Posted By: so01 Use UBBt user DB for phpMyChat or other chat - 02/19/2002 8:30 PM
Have anyone used the UBBt user db to authenticate users in phpMyChat or other
Chat software?
I found some threads discussion about this but I need some more hands on example for this.


I thinks it's time to get a good book about PHP and MySql...

PHP Chat programs are usually not that great. Let me warn you now.

Try JPilot here http://www.jpilot.com

And for a GREAT resource on PHP and MySQL, check out Kevin Yank's book here http://sitepoint.com/books/?bookid=PHP-MSQL
Sitepoint is also a GREAT forum for beginners and experts alike!
I think too that JPILOT is state of the art right now.
I have it running on my site since years. No problems.

And not expensive, an well worth that money.
I can really recommend that software.
I use Jpilot but how do I get it to recognize the user name and such?
I dont think JPilot has that ability. Maybe it can be done. Any PHP people might know how much better than me.
Jpilot has the ability since there is a great hack in perl for UBB for the above said program made by LK over at ubbdev.
Posted By: MTO Re: Use UBBt user DB for phpMyChat or other chat - 03/16/2002 1:00 PM
Its ability can only go half ways.
In the first screen, for writing your nickname down, you could make that one into php and auto include the username they are using in the boards. That is as far as it can go. No big deal.

JPilot uses irc servers, so if my nick here is "MTO" and it auto-fills that nick in for me, that is no guarantee I will be able to use the nick when I log into the irc server. You need to have your nickname registered through the irc server, no way any php script will do that for you, except maybe if you host your own irc server, that I really doubt. I use jpilot, and can log in with MTO, but because I have it registered. That is, under the "irc-hispano.org" network. I wouldnt be able to use it elsewhere.

So that´s it... all you can do is just grab the nickname you use on the boards, and fill it in for the first jpilot screen. Safest thing to do is fill it in with an extension, so that since most probably "MTO" will already be registered, you would autofill it in with "MTO_ubb" or something like that. I doubt anyone registered that name. This basically avoids people entering as, for example "martha", only to discover it is already registered in the irc network, and see their name automatically changed to something like "inv93274".
Yes it worked very well in the UBB for a long time.
Posted By: mario2 we run a chat INTEGRATED with threads forum! - 04/29/2002 9:48 AM
go to a3.com/chat

follow the links to mirror chat

unfortunately, so far all in german. The chat supports 150 people with no problem!!
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