Posted By: Kerouac Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 5:38 AM
These may be fairly standard but I thought I'd ask anyway.

1) I need to create a custom pal that IIP can call and assign to the left column of my index.php page. The style for this "box" has to be no boarders, etc. basically invisible. I need it to hold a "spacer" gif to prevent the middle and right colums from running over some stuff I'm putting to the right. Any clues would be greatly appreciated.

2) For some reason - no matter what I do the "theme"' s list in ubbt6.1br doesn't seem to drop down any new styles I've added. I need to use a seperate "theme" /style for the index.php page - it seems to use the "default" theme style - how can I change this and have it affect ONLY the "entrance page"

3) I know several others have mentioned something like this - but where would I start to "hack" an "include" that I could pop at the top of the main pages of my site that will display the current users's logged in name and if a new user give them a log in box?

4) Where do I "tighten" up the space between the 3 columns that display on the IIP entrance page?


Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 6:21 AM
1. There is some html code in the index.php page itself that creates the 3 columns that the pal boxes reside in. You can edit this to include your "hidden" spacer or for what ever else you need to add.

2. The "theme" is handled by .threads and based on the logged in viewer's preferences. If the registerd viewer has no preference set they get the default theme. (what ever that may be)

3. I think Gardener has a template that does this very thing... or something like it. Check in the "templates" forum.

4. You can "tighten" up the space between them by editing the html in the index.php page itself. You may also want to replace the last <br /> tag in every pal box with an image that is a specific height too.
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:13 AM
One question from me because I haven't installed IIP yet.
It's about how IIP works
To be able to post news in the main page of a site , do I have to create a new forum where all the news must be written ?
Or can I choose from different forums which post can be show in the main page?
Basically the thing is that I have 10 forums where many interesting posts are written and I would like to be able to choose whatever I want in the main page without moving them from the original forum. So every comment on this post can be counted also in the main page

Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:15 AM
You can select from 3 different forums and display a set number of "news" posts per forum. It's up to you if you want to create a new forum for the news or use the ones you have.
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:18 AM
Haven't played with 5.0 specifically yet... but do use the existing version.

5 may be a little different (alot different) and have WAY more features.... but:

in 4.3 you can choose to pull the "news" posts from up to 3 forums... and select the number of posts to display. So you don't have to have a separate forum. But it takes the first posts... and you can choose if it ignores "sticky" posts or not.
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:37 AM
So I can't choose specific posts as I can't understand. Is there any chance for a feauture release ?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:42 AM
It uses the first posts... but if you make them sticky.. so that they appear first.... it'll work.

What we need is a hack that "duplicates" posts in threads.. then you could duplicate needed posts into a "news" forum and delete the duplicates when you don't want them on the front page anymore.

Don't know if we'd ever see a "duplicate a post" hack... it's way beyond my ability, but I'm guessing it's complicated.
Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 8:46 AM
No not specific posts. As Josh pointed out though you can make them "sticky" posts and they will always be displayed.
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 9:20 AM
So If I have 2 stickys posts in forum No1 and 1 sticky post in forum No2 ,the news will show them all ?
After I write a new post (for the news) will they come underneath it so it can be like this in the main page ?
new post by me
sticky 1 from forum No1
sticky 2 from forum No1
sticky 1 from forum No2
....and eventually disappear like a normal post ?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 9:40 AM
Right... you can specifiy how many posts from each forum it pulls.... so you would need to specify that it pulls 2 posts from forum #1 and 1 post from forum #2.
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 3:15 PM
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 5:22 PM
It seems that I can't download II5.0
I get this message
Warning: Unable to access /home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/threads/php/languages/english/download.php in /home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/threads/php/download.php on line 27

Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 6:13 PM
I just downloaded it. Seems to be working. Please try again
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 7:22 PM
I tried from this url

Is there another one ?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 7:32 PM
Oops... error confirmed / bug found from the attachment pal.
Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 7:34 PM
Yes in the main post for IIP 5.0 is the attachment. I'll fix that here though and update the zip file. Should be within the next 10 minutes.
Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/07/2002 7:42 PM
Ok I fixed it here. I'll have to update the instructions for use with 6.0.3 as you will need to copy the language files for download.php into 6.0.3's language directories because the script requires them and when they are not their it fails.

Will update the zip file shortly. Thanks for the report.
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/08/2002 10:53 PM
Thank you for your great work
Posted By: JustDave Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/08/2002 11:24 PM
Your welcome
Posted By: dreamer_dup1 Re: Some IIP 5.0 Questions . . . - 09/25/2002 6:51 AM
2 more questions from me before I install it

The counter in the frontpage which says how much users are online , I believe it reffers to the users browsing the forum. Is there any way that it shows the number of users browsing the site so it will be
Online in Site: 40 with 20 quests
Online in Forum : 20 with 3 quests

And the last question is if the posts in the main page are been categorized by month so at the first day of October for example a new link will appear which will have all the posts for September. I think that this is happening in PHP Nuke.

Thanks again
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