Posted By: msula Hivemail integration - 03/12/2003 1:05 AM
I'd like to see it.

Somebody do it

j/k, but has anyone thought of doing this? I know a few of you brought it up before, and I know gossamer mail does integrate, but that is way too exepensive of a solution for me
Posted By: dimopoulos Re: Hivemail integration - 03/14/2003 6:16 AM
Hey Jeremy,

All I did was to modify the threads a bit for the new accounts.

When a new user logs in then the following SQL query is run on the server:
<br />INSERT INTO <yourdatabasename>.user ( <br />userid, username, password, altemail, usergroupid, <br />skinid, realname, regdate, lastvisit, cols, birthday, <br />question, answer, country, state, zip, options, replyto, font, timezone) <br />select U_Number, U_LoginName, U_Password, U_FakeEmail,<br /> 3, '<customskinname>', U_Name, U_Registered, U_LastOn, <br />'a:6:{i:0;s:8:"priority";i:1;s:6:"attach";i:2;s:4:"from";i:3;s:7:"subject";i:4;s:8:"datetime";i:5;s:4:"size";}', <br />'0000-00-00', '', '', 'ot', 'ot', '', '21842', concat( U_loginname, '@<yourdomainname.com>' ), <br />'Verdana|10|Regular|Black|None', U_TimeOffset <br />From w3t_Users<br />where u_number = <thenewusernumber><br />

Just replace the relevant texts in the query included in <> with what your server settings are.

This query puts the user in a validation mode. Once they validate their email you can update the group from 3 to 2 (normal user).

I also modified the Delete User from the admin section to delete the user in both databases/tables and the changebasic.php to update the password field in the user table - to bring it in sync.

The new version 1.2 I think does not use cookies - although don't take my word for it.

It is in my list of things to do to have an automatic login in my webmail if the user has already logged into the threads. Since it is going to be quite some time until I start working on this, I might decide to scrap it and do an email addin for the threads. It might be easier, since I know what I want from a pure integration point of view.
Posted By: msula Re: Hivemail integration - 03/16/2003 1:29 AM
Wow, sweet. I will have to take a look at it tomorrow and see how it turns out. Thanks!
Posted By: dimopoulos Re: Hivemail integration - 03/16/2003 2:54 AM
No problem.

My boss really likes the fact that I have moved our domain to one of our obsolete servers hence running our website and mail from our premises. They were charging us 5.00 GBP per mailbox per month and the new SMTP feed costs 25.00 GBP per month. All I did was install MailEnable (Windows Server) which comes for free and sort out the pop accounts.

Now we agreed that we will move thaose services to Linux and sendmail. So he asked me for webmail access to his account. The idea is to scrap Exchange Server (we use it only for public folders access) and use IMAP instead. Hence we will need a customized webmail. Perhaps I will go to Horde/IMP for starters but my idea is to move to a fully customized service which can be used for threads with database integration (hey I can use the w3t_Users table)
Posted By: jluerken Re: Hivemail integration - 03/17/2003 11:56 AM
Would be nice if someone can create a hack to use hivemail.

Every new user should get a hivemail mailbox and a private mail telling him/her the account information!
If the user is deleted by an admin then also the mailbox should be deleted!
Posted By: dimopoulos Re: Hivemail integration - 03/18/2003 1:22 AM

Hivemail does not use individual postboxes hence it does not offer pop3/imap support. There is only one mailbox (a catchall account) and it is checked either via a scheduled script (windows) or via a cron job (linux).

If you want to create a user you just enter their details (as per my post) in the database and if you want to delete a user you just delete that entry from the relevant table.
Posted By: donJulio Re: Hivemail integration - 03/25/2003 12:57 AM
I also have Hivemail and I like it a lot. Unfortunately I don't know how to program in php. It would be cool if you guys could get together with the people from hivemail.com and work on the integration
Posted By: msula Re: Hivemail integration - 03/26/2003 5:49 AM
I posted it in the hivemail suggestion forum, chen said he might take a look at it, but from what I can tell most of the hivemail users tend to be direhard VB fans, so it may not be done anytime soon

I really love gossamer mail, but whoo dang, its so expensive
Posted By: jluerken Re: Hivemail integration - 03/26/2003 12:23 PM
Stefan from the german support wanted to make an integration. Don't know if he has already started to work on this yet.

Also I think that it makes no sense to integrate the actual version cause the hivemail guys are working on 2.x I think.
Posted By: AllenAyres Re: Hivemail integration - 04/19/2003 12:44 AM
hivemail.de uses threads for their support forum, maybe they have some ideas there (if you read german )

Posted By: jluerken Re: Hivemail integration - 07/07/2003 9:27 AM
[]AllenAyres said:
hivemail.de uses threads for their support forum, maybe they have some ideas there (if you read german )

http://www.hivemail.de/forum/ubbthreads.php [/]

hehe LOL, I am Administrator of hivemail.de ;-)
No time to do it on our own at the moment, therefore the question here ;-)
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