Posted By: JoshPet 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 01/23/2003 10:55 AM
OK - I'll post this tip here in case anyone else wants the same thing.

I had a couple of clients who didn't like the way 6.2 highlights the row on the postlist page.

If you leave the new classes out, you'll get some black boxes in some browsers. Not pretty.

So be sure and use the newlighttable, newdarktable and newsubjecttable classes, but set them the same as their non-new counterparts.

Set newlighttable identical to lighttable
Set newdarktable identical to darktable
Set newsubjecttable identical to subjecttable

I can't really understand why some people wouldn't want the row to glow.. but what do I know. LOL

A variation of this is to set the colors the same.... but text bold if they are new.

Posted By: Dalantech Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 01/23/2003 11:41 AM
Excellent tip Josh!

I need to make a pass through my CSS files and make sure they are up to date...
Posted By: JoshPet Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/11/2003 9:28 AM
Follow up to my tip.

If you disable the new post highlighting, you might wish to add

font-weight: bold;

to the newlighttable and newdarktable classes. New rows won't highlight... but the text will be bold.. thus you can still easily tell what's new.
Posted By: Dalantech Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/11/2003 11:06 AM
Another trick to the newlighttable and newdarktable.

Open up your favorite image editor (I use Fireworks MX).

Make a rectangle and give it the same fill color as darktable.

Edit the fill color and bring up a slider to adjust the color. Move the slider down a few "notches" until you have something a little lighter than the darktable color (you may have to go the other way if darktable is too light). Note the ASCI code for the color you just created (it will be your newdarktable).

Repeat the process, only this time start out with the lighttable color as your fill. This one will be newlighttable

You now have two new colors to use for newdark and newlight table that won't clash with the existing light and dark table colors.
Kewl! Never thought of that before

Thanks DLT
Posted By: Dalantech Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/11/2003 8:49 PM
Sometimes I'll make multiple rectangles and I'll leave the light and dark tables next to their new counterparts so I can compare the difference in the colors before I commit changes to the style sheet.

IM me tomorrow. I have some links to plug ins for FireWorks on my laptop to pass to you
Will do DLT

Thanks again
Posted By: Dalantech Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/12/2003 1:11 AM
Nevermind, I got called into work tonight (so I won't be in the office during the day tomorrow).

Check out Project Fireworks and especialy the Harmonia Plug In. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I think Harmonia would be perfect when it comes to choosing the colors for a style sheet.

Almost everyone on the Honorable Players forums hated the background highlighting for notification of new posts. I've disabled that, and for the mean-time, settled on italicizing new posts.

However, many people, including myself, are missing the simple functionality of new posts having the icon color changed. Is this gone from UBB.Threads entirely, or is something just wrong? I've checked permissions, and I've manually checked the actual image files, with the default yellow icons, and the orange icons in the "newicons" directory. Everything appears to be correct, but for some reason, none of the yellow icons every turn orange now on 6.2.1.

What's wrong, or how can I get the "old" new post notification method back?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/14/2003 1:48 AM
That is gone from the program entirely.

It got in the way of people adding custom icons. Before... if you wanted to add new post icons, you had to have a yellow and an orange version. Now you only need one.

The orange icons (in /images/newicons) shouldn't have been included in the distribution. That was just an oversight and I belive they have been deleted from 6.2.2 as they are not used.

So it's not very possible to go back to the old system. People have posted about it here... but it'd be a major project.
Bah. That makes a few folks unhappy. Ah well, we'll cope.
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 10:06 AM
Move the "newicons" directory and it's contents into your "icons" directory. Now edit your postlist.php file and change this:

<br />      $postrow[$z]['color']      = $rowcolor;<br />      $postrow[$z]['indentsize'] = "0";<br />      $postrow[$z]['icon']       = $icon;<br />      $postrow[$z]['imagesize']  = $imagesize;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Number']     = $Number;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Subject']    = $Subject;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Username']   = $Username;<br />      $postrow[$z]['UserStatus'] = $UserStatus;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Views']      = $Counter;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Replies']    = $printreplies;<br />      $postrow[$z]['time']       = $time;<br />      $postrow[$z]['pageprint']  = $pageprint;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Rating']     = $ThreadRating;<br />      $postrow[$z]['posterid']   = $posterid;<br />      $postrow[$z]['UserNumber'] = $UserNumber;<br />

to this:

<br />      if (stristr($rowcolor,"new")) {<br />         $icon = "newicons/$icon";<br />      }<br />      $postrow[$z]['color']      = $rowcolor;<br />      $postrow[$z]['indentsize'] = "0";<br />      $postrow[$z]['icon']       = $icon;<br />      $postrow[$z]['imagesize']  = $imagesize;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Number']     = $Number;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Subject']    = $Subject;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Username']   = $Username;<br />      $postrow[$z]['UserStatus'] = $UserStatus;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Views']      = $Counter;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Replies']    = $printreplies;<br />      $postrow[$z]['time']       = $time;<br />      $postrow[$z]['pageprint']  = $pageprint;<br />      $postrow[$z]['Rating']     = $ThreadRating;<br />      $postrow[$z]['posterid']   = $posterid;<br />      $postrow[$z]['UserNumber'] = $UserNumber;<br />

and that should do the trick.

Tested it here and it seemed to work.
Posted By: Gardener Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 10:16 AM
Only works for the main post, not all of them when in expanded mode. But that is a nice mod, great work!
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 10:25 AM

For expanded mode try this:

Change this:

<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Uid'] = $ausernumber;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Posted'] = $aposted;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Username'] = $ausername;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Subject'] = $asubject;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Approved'] = $aapproved;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Icon'] = $aicon;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Reged'] = $areged;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Color'] = $acolor;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['UserStatus'] = $austatus;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Number'] = $anumber;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Status'] = $astatus;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['AnonName'] = $aanonname;<br />

to this:

<br />            if (stristr($acolor,"new")) {<br />               $aicon = "newicons/$aicon";<br />            }<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Uid'] = $ausernumber;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Posted'] = $aposted;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Username'] = $ausername;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Subject'] = $asubject;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Approved'] = $aapproved;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Icon'] = $aicon;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Reged'] = $areged;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Color'] = $acolor;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['UserStatus'] = $austatus;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Number'] = $anumber;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['Status'] = $astatus;<br />            $tree[$aparent][$anumber]['AnonName'] = $aanonname;<br />

I think that will do it.
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 11:06 AM
The previous post didn't seem to help expanded view but this did:

Change this:

<br />         $postrow[$z]['color'] = $rowcolor;<br />         $postrow[$z]['indentsize'] = $indentsize;<br />         $postrow[$z]['icon']       = $icon;<br />         $postrow[$z]['imagesize']  = $imagesize;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Number']     = $PNumber;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Subject']    = $Subject;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Username']   = $Username;<br />         $postrow[$z]['UserStatus'] = $UserStatus;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Views']      = "&nbsp;";<br />         $postrow[$z]['Replies']    = "&nbsp;";<br />         $postrow[$z]['time']       = $time;<br />         $postrow[$z]['pageprint']  = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['UserNumber'] = $Uid;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Rating'] = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['fpart'] = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['jumper'] = "";<br />

to this:

<br />         if (stristr($rowcolor,"new")) {<br />		    $icon = "newicons/$icon";<br />         }<br />         $postrow[$z]['color'] = $rowcolor;<br />         $postrow[$z]['indentsize'] = $indentsize;<br />         $postrow[$z]['icon']       = $icon;<br />         $postrow[$z]['imagesize']  = $imagesize;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Number']     = $PNumber;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Subject']    = $Subject;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Username']   = $Username;<br />         $postrow[$z]['UserStatus'] = $UserStatus;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Views']      = "&nbsp;";<br />         $postrow[$z]['Replies']    = "&nbsp;";<br />         $postrow[$z]['time']       = $time;<br />         $postrow[$z]['pageprint']  = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['UserNumber'] = $Uid;<br />         $postrow[$z]['Rating'] = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['fpart'] = "";<br />         $postrow[$z]['jumper'] = "";<br />

This code is located towards the begining of postlist.php and looks simular to code found later in the script.
Posted By: JoshPet Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 9:03 PM
Go Dave!
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - disable new post highlighting - 02/15/2003 9:21 PM
LoL I was down to the point where everything looked like it had heat rising up in front of it as seen on a long stretch of highway in the afternoon. When this happens I know it's time for some sleep. I got 3 hours and am good to go... LOL
Posted By: RandyJG Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/16/2003 3:04 AM
showthreaded.php also requires these modifications so that new replies are shown to have new icons on the message view in threaded mode.

This mod appears to work so far.

Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/16/2003 3:13 AM
I hardly ever use showthreaded so I basically overlooked it... lol sorry.

I'll take a look at it sometime yet this weekend and post the needed changes.
Posted By: Gardener Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/17/2003 2:42 AM
Happens to me all the time as well, but the other way around, I don't use showflat and tend to miss out on adding changes to that script. =]

Great work on this, as always.
Posted By: ZealotOnAStick_dup1 Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/17/2003 10:10 PM
Additionally, you don't have to actually move the newicons directory - instead of the relative URL being newicons/$icon, prepend ../ to that, so with icons and newicons both being in the images directory (per installation default prior to 6.2.2) it'll work.
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/17/2003 10:31 PM
Have you tested this? I'm just not sure that images/icons/../newicons/some.gif in the url would actually work.
Posted By: JustDave Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/17/2003 11:31 PM
I just had to test this and yes it indeed does work. Thanks for the tip.
Posted By: ZealotOnAStick_dup1 Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/19/2003 12:01 AM
[]JustDave said:
I just had to test this and yes it indeed does work. Thanks for the tip. [/]
As you've already found out, yes, I'm sure it would work. I made the post after redoing the mods on the HP site, as one of our members had already hacked it to do the same thing you did, and I accidentally killed some of that when I upgraded to 6.2.2 and overwrote postlist.php. I thought "Bah, it's a PITA to move all that, I'll just give it a virtual URL/path dropping back one level" and did it, and it worked.
Posted By: Sheall Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/24/2003 3:53 AM
I noticed a bit of an error when using this hack... your legend on the postlist page becomes invalid as it was setup to reflect the new post highlighting rather than new post images. To combat this I have attached a text file to this post to detail how to change it. If you have used the ../ method you will need to alter the URL to reflect that, otherwise it should work fine.

I have my stylesheets setup so they look like they did before the latest update (ie: alternating color bars, no highlighting for new posts). This hack will make the legend valid whether you use highlighting or not.

It worked for me anyway, let me know if I messed up anywhere.

Attached File
Posted By: Lex Re: 6.2 Tip - More changes needed - 02/25/2003 10:16 AM
Dave have you found out where you need to edit the "showthreaded.php" file to use the orange icons yet?

Thank you by the way for posting this, its a life saver. My users were about to over-throw me because of that change.
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