Posted By: JoshPet CSS Trick - display: none - is it searchable? - 07/26/2004 4:53 PM
Anyone know if the text on a page is searchable if you're using the CSS trick display: none; to temporarily hide it?
you mean like you do on the front page here? Hmm not sure
of couse it would be, as the text is still there. When doing so for spidering, it's a good way to be removed from google
I'm not aware that we're doing it here. I've never really used it before.

I'm using it for a dynamic menu on a site - to collapse and expand subcategories. But I was curious if the text in the menu would be spidered.

well your kinda using it here.. when ya click on the THreadsdev Logo you get taken to http://forums.nonleague.com/ and when ya click on the devswoosh it takes ya to http://www.praisecafe.org/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi

and then on the IIP entrance hidden amongst the code is

<img src="https://ubbdev.com/forum/images/cssgraphics/defaults/clearlogo.gif" class="devlogo" width="240" height="75" usemap="#clearlogobc169744" border="0" alt="ThreadsDev.com" />
<map name="clearlogobc169744" id="clearlogobc169744">
<area shape="rect" coords="209,1,232,73" href="http://www.ubbcentral.com/links/index.php3?count=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.threadsaddons.com" target="_blank" alt="ThreadsDev" />
<area shape="rect" coords="182,2,208,73" href="http://www.crucedecaminos.com" target="_blank" alt="CruceDeCaminos" />
<area shape="rect" coords="157,1,181,73" href="http://www.ubbcentral.com/links/index.php3?count=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.joshuapettit.com" target="_blank" alt="" />
<area shape="rect" coords="135,2,156,72" href="http://ffff.niden.net" target="_blank" alt="FFFF" />
<area shape="rect" coords="116,1,135,73" href="http://forums.nonleague.com" target="_blank" alt="NonLeague" />
<area shape="rect" coords="92,2,115,73" href="http://www.rollspel.nu" target="_blank" alt="Rollspel.nu" />
<area shape="rect" coords="68,2,91,73" href="http://www.michiganjeepers.com" target="_blank" alt="MichiganJeepers" />
<area shape="rect" coords="45,2,67,73" href="http://www.reeftalk.com" alt="Reeftalk" target="_blank" />
<area shape="rect" coords="22,2,44,73" href="http://www.mousefunfacts.com" alt="MouseFunFacts.com" target="_blank" />
<area shape="rect" coords="0,2,22,74" href="http://www.dalantech.com/boards" alt="Dalantech" target="_blank" /></map>

Oh, nothing hidden with that in CSS though - each letter of ThreadsDev is a link to a staff site. Just a regular image link (it's an image map).
Josh, I believe what you're doing shouldn't be a problem. It's the people who have 500 links in a transparent div for the sole purpose of being spidered
Look in the browser source view, it's still there, just not visible to the main view.
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