Posted By: little_joe Forum-wide censor/filter - 05/14/2004 4:46 PM
We're running 6.4.2.

I'd like to be able to apply the bad word filter, or a censor, or anything to everyplace in the forums.

Currently bad words seem to be suppressed in message text only. I would like to apply this to the Subject field, avatar field, and signature field. There are some sites we just want completely blocked forum-wide.
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Forum-wide censor/filter - 05/14/2004 9:55 PM
This will grandfather badwords in signatures...

Posted By: little_joe Re: Forum-wide censor/filter - 05/15/2004 4:32 PM
Cool, thanks!
Posted By: Twisty Re: Forum-wide censor/filter - 06/15/2004 1:43 PM
Here's one for Bad Subjects...


If you wish to only use the 'bad word filter' and not create another seperate one for subjects like in the example shown, then simply change all instances of...




And you would also not bother with adding the special link for it in the admin panel since that would be redundant.

Personally, I have it seperated into its own special filter though as it provides more flexibility


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