couldn't see a hack for this, so thought i'd ask.
Had an idea about the google adsense adverts, is it possible to only display them to standard members, but hide them for members who have paid a membership fee?
So adverts based on groups...
Well, lets say your "paid" usergroup is group #5.

(SELECT * FROM w3t_Groups will show you all groups and their numbers)

Then code like this:

First on the page, find the bit that STARTS like this:

$user = $userob -> authenticate("...

Often there are a list of User table fields in the quotes inside the authenticate() function. Add in U_Groups to that list.

Then in your page, code like this (assuming we don't want to show ads to group #5):

if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-5-")) {
// Display your ads here

Hope that helps.
Cheers josh, i'll take a look into that tonight, see if i can figure it out
ok, i tried it on addpost.php, but it didnt make any difference. I could still the advert.
As you know, 1 is the admin usergroup.

Is this part correct?

// Grab the tablewrapper
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();
if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-1-")) {
// Adsense hack start
$adsense = "";
if ( stristr(",{$config['adsense']},", ",$Board,") ) {
// Adsense hack finish
Hmmm, i'll try it on showflat.php tonight.
I shall not be beaten!
ok, i've got it working!!!!
I re-read your instructions, and tweaked a bit, and viola!

Thanks josh.

I now have google adsense displaying ONLY for my non-premium members!
How do I add extra groups?
I tried:

if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-5-","-2-")) {

but that gave me this error on the screen.

Warning: Wrong parameter count for strstr() in /home/fordmond/public_html/ubbthreads/showflat.php on line 1324
if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-1-")) {


if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-1-") && !strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-2-") && !strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-3-")) {

or you could do a

if (strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-4-")) {

to include just the group you want.
aha. I wouldnt have got that in a million years!
Thanks again scroungr, I think I must owe you some beers now!
Sorry -I've been busy scripting at work and haven't been doing any for myself (or this site) lately. Glad to see you got it working
wow this is a nice little tweak i might have to add this baby to my site
Am A bit stuck trying to get this to function correctly on addpost.php

This is the code which is wrong

// ---------------------
// Grab the tablewrapper
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();
if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-9-")) {
// Adsense hack start

$adsense = "";
if ( stristr(",{$config['adsense']},", ",$Board,") ) {
// Adsense hack finish

I get a parse error, saying theres an unexpected $ on line 1147.

But when I go to line 1147 all thats on that line is
} else {
theres an open { on that first if but you are not closing it.. there is no } for it
Ok, I've sorted out the parse error.
In the bold part of the code below you'll see I missed off the } after the adsense finished.
Only problem now is that it's not removing the adverts for group 9.
Is this because the U_groups code is below the adsense code?

# UBB.threads, Version 6
# Official Release Date for UBB.threads Version6: 06/05/2002

# First version of UBB.threads created July 30, 1996 (by Rick Baker).
# This entire program is copyright Infopop Corporation, 2002.
# For more info on the UBB.threads and other Infopop
# Products/Services, visit: http://www.infopop.com

# Program Author: Rick Baker.
# File Version 6.5b6

# You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or otherwise,
# without the express, written written consent from Infopop Corporation.

# Note: if you modify ANY code within UBB.threads, we at Infopop Corporation
# cannot offer you support-- thus modify at your own peril
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Require the library
require ("./includes/main.inc.php");
require ("languages/{$myprefs['language']}/addpost.php");
require ("imagesizes.php");

// Define the default language varialbe, required for PHP3
$Language = $myprefs['language'];

// -------------
// Get the input
$Board = get_input("Board","post");
$Cat = get_input("Cat","post");
$Reged = get_input("Reged","post");
$page = get_input("page","post");
$what = get_input("what","post");
$vc = get_input("vc","post");
$Subject = get_input("Subject","post");
$Body = get_input("Body","post");
$preview = get_input("preview","post");
$textcont = get_input("textcont","post");
$Icon = get_input("Icon","post");
$convert = get_input("convert","post");
$postername = get_input("postername","post");
$Main = get_input("Main","post");
$Parent = get_input("Parent","post");
$ParentUser = get_input("ParentUser","post");
$oldnumber = get_input("oldnumber","post");
$fpart = get_input("fpart","post");
$replyto = get_input("replyto","post");
$IP = get_input("IP","post");
$frompreview = get_input("frompreview","post");
$PStatus = get_input("PStatus","post");
$dofav = get_input("dofav","post");
$questions = get_input("questions","post");
$day = get_input("day","post");
$month = get_input("month","post");
$year = get_input("year","post");
$hour = get_input("hour","post");
$min = get_input("min","post");
$ampm = get_input("ampm","post");
$stopday = get_input("stopday","post");
$stopmonth = get_input("stopmonth","post");
$stopyear = get_input("stopyear","post");
$stophour = get_input("stophour","post");
$stopmin = get_input("stopmin","post");
$stopampm = get_input("stopampm","post");
$enablestart = get_input("enablestart","post");
$enablestop = get_input("enablestop","post");
$noview = get_input("noview","post");
$mustvote = get_input("mustvote","post");
$addpoll = get_input("addpoll","post");
$addevent = get_input("addevent","post");
$calmonth = get_input("calmonth","post");
$calday = get_input("calday","post");
$calyear = get_input("calyear","post");
$Sticky = get_input("Sticky","post");
$announcement = get_input("announcement","post");
$addsig = get_input("addsig","post");
$quickreply = get_input("quickreply","post");

if (!$addpoll) { $questions = 0; }

// -------------------------
// Predefine a few variables
$parentboard = "";
$RealSubject = "";
$attachfile = "";
$fileinput = "";
$Pselected = "";
$canattach = "";
$PollId = "";
$extra = "";
$okay = "";
$previewpoll = "";
$Main = addslashes($Main);

$html = new html;

// Censor the input?
if ($config['docensor']) {
$Body = $html->do_censor($Body);
$Subject = $html->do_censor($Subject);

// ---------------------
// Grab the tablewrapper
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();

if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-9-")) {
// Adsense hack start
$adsense = "";
if ( stristr(",{$config['adsense']},", ",$Board,") ) {
// Adsense hack finish

// Add a space to the end of $Body, for auto-url encoding
$Body .= " ";

$userob = new user;
$user = $userob -> authenticate("U_Username, U_Password,U_Signature,U_Picture,U_Groups,U_Display,U_Language,U_Totalposts,U_Title,U_Color,U_TextCols,U_TextRows,U_EReplies,U_Preview,U_Number,U_Groups");
if ($Reged == "y") {
$Username = $user['U_Username'];
$Username_q = addslashes($Username);
$posterid = $user['U_Number'];
$postername = $Username;
else {
if (!$postername) {
$postername = $ubbt_lang['ANON_TEXT'];
$Username_q = addslashes($postername);
$posterid = "1";
$user['U_Number'] = 1;

// -----------------
// Get the user info
$IP = find_environmental('REMOTE_ADDR');

// See if they are banned
$userob -> check_ban();

// Flood control settings
if (!empty($user['U_FloodControl'])) {
if ($user['U_FloodControl'] == "-1") {
$floodcontrol = $config['floodcontrol'];
else {
$floodcontrol = $user['U_FLoodControl'];

// ----------------------------------------------
// Let's get the groups and default flood control
if (!$user['U_Groups']) {
$user['U_Groups'] = "-4-";
$floodcontrol = $config['floodcontrol'];
$lastposttime = get_input("lastposttime","cookie");
} else {
$floodcontrol = $user['U_FloodControl'];
$lastposttime = $user['U_LastPostTime'];

// ---------------------------------
// Check if they can make a post yet
if ($user['U_Status'] != "Administrator" && $user['U_Status'] != "Moderator") {
if (($html->get_date() - $lastposttime) < $floodcontrol) {
$ubbt_lang['FLOODCONTROL'] = sprintf($ubbt_lang['FLOODCONTROL'],$floodcontrol);

// ------------------
// Check the referer
if (!$config['disablerefer']) {
$html -> check_refer($Cat);


look at your logic

if (!strstr($user['U_Groups'],"-9-")) {
// Adsense hack start
$adsense = "";
if ( stristr(",{$config['adsense']},", ",$Board,") ) {
// Adsense hack finish

you are saying that ONLY if NOT group 9 then check if the board is config[adsense] and include the template for adsense.tmpl and if you are group 9 then don't do anything at all...so it shouldn't ever include the adsense.tmpl..
but that exact code works perfectly on showflat.php....
hence my confusion.
so its working in showflat.php but NOT in addpost.php? whats in the

$userob = new user;
$user = $userob -> authenticate();

function? is it any different in YOUR showflat.php and addpost.php? does the addpost includ the U_Groups field?
This is in showflat.php
[] $userob = new user;
$user = $userob -> authenticate("U_Display, U_Groups, U_PostsPer, U_PicturePosts, U_FlatPosts, U_TimeOffset,U_ShowSigs,U_TimeFormat,U_Ignored,U_SearchSession,U_Preview,U_TextCols,U_TextRows,U_Groups");

and this is whats in my addpost.php
[]$userob = new user;
$user = $userob -> authenticate("U_Username, U_Password,U_Signature,U_Picture,U_Groups,U_Display,U_Language,U_Totalposts,U_Title,U_Color,U_TextCols,U_TextRows,U_EReplies,U_Preview,U_Number,U_Groups");

The only thing thats different, and I dont know whether it will make a difference or not, is on showflat.php the above statement comes BEFORE the adsense code, on addpost.php the above statement comes AFTER the adsense code.
I don't know if that will affect it or not?
it will.. see your calling the U_Groups after it in the addpost.. put your code in the addpost AFTER it and try that
Yep, that fixed it.
Thanks scroungr!
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