Posted By: sc change the look of input fields for POST/REPLY - 09/18/2000 11:40 PM
i've done a hack to allow the admin to control, via the CP, the look of the POST fields. for example, you can specify in your CP to make the input field text red, Verdana, bold and have a size of 19px. you can specify css attributes (px/pt, border-style, ...) for these input fields and you can even change the text of some other variables on the page -- ever wanted to change the "Who Can Post?" text?


the new fields added to the "Styles" CP

an example of the POST page with CSS.

it took me a bit of time to do this hack, so it's going to take me quite a bit more time to document it (albeit, it's not difficult, just tedious), so i wanted to gauge if anybody even wants this hack or if there's not enough interest to warrant documenting it.

Hi SC,

This is an outstanding hack. This is exactly what I've been looking for! Does the msg field row & msg field cols mean what I think they mean? Do they let you control how big or small the post/reply window is? That's one of the biggest complaints I get about my ubb, how tiny the post window is & I was going to do a quick & dirty hack for it until your spiffy one here showed up. As soon as you can document it, I'll install.



Able Muse
Thats a nice hack you created.
Now my questions : Works these hack with the freeware version of UBB ? If not or if you don't know I would try to modify these hack for freeware. Please send me these hack and I will lokk what I can do.

Admin von skeptiker's UBB (Beta)

yep, you can control field size (cols/rows) as well!
Is this hack any different than this one?? Sounds the same, this one has a separate control panel for form styles, the input boxex, submit button, drop down lists, pretty much everything.

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