HELP! There used to be an option to receive email replies to my posts. That option is no longer there!

Actually, with our latest upgrade, that feature has been enhanced and expanded. It's still there, and is even more flexible than before.

Instead of being able to select only your own posts to receive email replies, you now can choose to receive email replies to your favorite threads.

Here's how to set it up:

- Click on "My Home"
- Click "Edit" next to Subscribe/Unsubscribe from receiving posts by email....
- Set the option that says "Do you want all replies to your favorite threads emailed to you?" to Yes.

Then, as you are viewing a thread, you'll see a "Favorite Thread" toggle at the bottom. Click it to add (or remove) it from your favorite thread list. (You can also remove favorite threads from your "My Home" screen.)

Now, you'll receive emails for each reply to the thread (not just your posts).

If you ever wish to stop receiving emails, simply remove the thread from your favorites.

NOTE you must return to the forum to post replies. Replies via email do not go to the site administrators and do not end up in the forums.

There is also an checkbox option to "Add this thread to your Favorites" whenever you make a new post or reply.
# Install Instructions: Copy and paste the message below into
# the new post window in your forum.

HELP! There used to be an option to receive email replies to my posts. That option is no longer there!

Actually, with our latest upgrade, that feature has been enhanced and expanded. It's still there, and is even more flexible than before. :)

Instead of being able to select only your own posts to receive email replies, you now can choose to receive email replies to your favorite threads.

Here's how to set it up:

- Click on "My Home"
- Click "Edit" next to Subscribe/Unsubscribe from receiving posts by email....
- Set the option that says "Do you want all replies to your favorite threads emailed to you?" to Yes.

Then, as you are viewing a thread, you'll see a "Favorite Thread" toggle at the bottom. Click it to add (or remove) it from your favorite thread list. (You can also remove favorite threads from your "My Home" screen.)

Now, you'll receive emails for each reply to the thread (not just your posts).

If you ever wish to stop receiving emails, simply remove the thread from your favorites.

NOTE you must return to the forum to post replies. Replies via email do not go to the site administrators and do not end up in the forums.

There is also an checkbox option to "Add this thread to your Favorites" whenever you make a new post or reply. wink
How do we toggle the "Add this thread to your Favorites" to always be on? For example I am using the Quick Reply box on my site and that check is not available.

CAn we make all our threads go to our favorites?


That issue was discussed during the private beta testing, but it was never resolved.
Yeah, not a current feature to control the default.

You'd have to edit the template so that the box would always be checked. Maybe I could add the checkbox option to the quick reply mod. I've also thought about adding a "preview" checkbox to the quick reply mod, now that it's bug free... might be time to expand functionality.
Would you be able to give me a quick and dirty on how to change the template to have the check box default to on?

I apprecaite the help!


<br />in newpost.php<br /><br />find this:<br /><br />   $addtofav = "";<br />   if ($postername != $ubbt_lang['ANON_TEXT']) {<br />      $addtofav = "<br />         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dofav\" value=\"1\" class=\"formboxes\" /><br /><br /><br /><br />Change to:<br /><br />   $addtofav = "";<br />   if ($postername != $ubbt_lang['ANON_TEXT']) {<br />      $addtofav = "<br />         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dofav\" checked=\"checked\" value=\"1\" class=\"formboxes\" /><br /><br /><br /><br />In newreply.php<br /><br />find this:<br /><br />   $addtofav = "";<br />   if ($postername != $ubbt_lang['ANON_TEXT']) {<br />      $addtofav = "<br />         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dofav\" value=\"1\" class=\"formboxes\" /><br /><br /><br />change to this:<br /><br />   $addtofav = "";<br />   if ($postername != $ubbt_lang['ANON_TEXT']) {<br />      $addtofav = "<br />         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dofav\" checked=\"checked\" value=\"1\" class=\"formboxes\" /><br />

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