Mod Name / Version: Unlimited Edit Time in Select Forums 1.1

Description: This hack will allow users to have unlimited time to Edit their posts in Selected forums only. It overides the Edit time in the config file on whatever boards you wish.

Working Under: UBB.Threads 6.0-6.1-6.2-6.3-6.4

Mod Status: Finished

Any pre-requisites: none

Author(s): JoshPet

Date: 04/28/03

Credits: Allen Ayers and JustDave

Files Altered: editpost.php

New Files: none

Database Altered: none

Info/Instructions: Disscussion for this came about as we discussed it would be nice if the original poster of a hack at ThreadsDev could update the file in their First Post... it would be less confusing for the most current version of a hack to ALWAYS be attached to the first post in a thread. Guess I'll credit AllenAyres as he seemed to like the idea. JustDave offered advice on adding the keywords to the config file.

Attached File
77948-UnlimitedEditTime1.1.txt  (112 downloads)
Works under 6.4
Thanks! That was it.

Oh, and happy birthday Josh!
I just tried applying this to my 6.4.3 board, and when I try to edit a post I get the following error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/wwwtsbiu/public_html/iBASE/editpost.php on line 288

288 is the last line and contains only the php close ?>

If I comment out the unlimited edit time lines it works fine. Any ideas?

That blue haired kid
Usually that message means there's a { open without a corresponding } below it somewhere, check all your sets of brackets near where you modified.
Found it, thanks.
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