Mod Name / Version: myPaymentPal PayPal Addon version 1.1 and 1.2

Description: We are proud to announce the release of myPaymentPal version 1.1.
myPaymentPal is an integrated membership and PayPal subscription module for UBB.Threads. It allows you to accept payments and subscriptions through your UBB.Threads website.

NOTE: Version 1.1 and version 1.2 are identical. Version 1.2 is written to be compatible with UBB.Threads version 6.5.

Got Threads? Get Paid!
Running a popular UBB.Threads website can be costly. So why not cover some of those expenses by charging a modest subscription fee for private "member only forums"? Or collect donations via PayPal!

It's difficult to run a site that is a total pay-for-access model. The model that works best, is one where the basic elements of your forums remain free, thus allowing your site to grow, but you provide special member-only forums and features for paid supporters.

You can use UBB.Threads built in user groups to handle the access rights for your forums. But dealing with giving users access upon payment, and how to collect that payment, can be a hassle.

myPaymentPal totally automates this process for you! It allows you to accept all major forms of payments (Bank Transfer, eCheck, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) through the worlds largest online payment network, PayPal. New in version 1.1 is the ability to also accept Snail Mail payments.

When payment is made, PayPal interacts with myPaymentPal and adds the user to a user group, giving them access to member-only forums Instantly!

When a subscriptions expires or is cancelled, the user is removed from access. It's totally automated, and all you need to do is focus on running your community, and collect the checks!

You also have the ability to manually add users to subscriptions (or user groups) for set periods of time.

New in Version 1.1 & 1.2 is the ability to generate HTML PayPal Donation buttons which can be placed anywhere on your site. When payment is made, the user is added into a usergroup of your choice.

For the version 1.1 & 1.2 Changelog Click Here

For more information, or to purchase myPaymentPal, visit www.ThreadsAddons.com or click the 'PayPal Addon' link in the menubar here.

Working Under: UBB.Threads 6.2-6.3-6.4

Mod Status: Finished

Any pre-requisites:

Author(s): JustDave & JoshPet

Date: Version 1.0: 12/22/03 - Version 1.1: 5/17/04 - Version 1.2: 5/25/04

Credits: JustDave for making this a reality.

Files Altered: This is a stand alone "addon" to UBB.Threads and does not modify ANY UBB.Threads files. However you may wish to put a link to the subscription area in your menu bar. If so, you'll need to modify the ubbt_registerednav.tmpl and ubbt_unregisterednav.tmpl template files.

New Files: An entire /mypaymentpal directory which resides inside your ubbthreads directory.

Database Altered: 4 tables added to your ubbthreads database for subscription tracking

Info/Instructions: This is a professional addon for UBB.Threads and is super-easy to install. Professional installation is available.

Disclaimer: Please backup every file that you intend to modify.
If the modification modifies the database, it's a good idea to backup your database before doing so.

Note: If you modify your UBB.Threads code, you may be giving up your right for "official" support from Infopop.If you need official support, you'll need to restore unmodified files.
Thanks Josh and Just Dave .. this program is very nice
Thanks guys, my users have been bugging me for months to get this running so they can pay me

I'll be getting in touch with you after christmas and getting this setup
Woo hoo! When I get back from holiday travels, this is tops on the list!

Thanks guys!
Im sorry, but these addons are 1/2 - 1/3 of the price of the UBBThreads licence. Ain't that way to expensive for just an addon. Even though it might be usefull?

You pay for the time it took the Coder to Code this and since this is more PHP then UBB.. Its not a Mod but an Extension. If ya don't want it ya don't have to pay for it there is cheaper and free Paypal links that do not do what this Extension does..
Worth it... paid for itself 10 times over already
The choice is yours. If you want to have a money making site - then it will be worth it to you. It's been the better part of a year in development and testing.
I guess the question to ask yourself would be:
Will this Mod pay for itself and take at least a bite out of my threads license?

If the answer is yes, then I would say that it is worth it. If the answer is no, then I would say you need to look for something else. The methodology behind this mod is pretty straight forward. You may even want to consider doing this a manual process for members that are willing to pay/donate.

As this mod is now, it is not something that is usefull for me, personally.

Just my blue nickel.
Exactly - alot of sites start taking donations or subscription payments via paypal. When you reach the point that it's too big a pain to manually add everyone to a special user group - then this is for you.

The site this was initially develope for (one of mine) was getting dozens of signups a day. Also if you're charging for access of something, then instant access is a definate plus, vs. waiting for the admin to add them into the user group to gain access.
i'd like to see an enhancement to this addon, where you have the option of adding the user to a group(s) upon donating and additionally subtract them from a different group(s). of course, the reverse would apply, when the 'subscription' runs out.

this would help a lot...

If i were coding it, i'd make it so you could add to multiple groups and subtract from multiple groups. where 'multiple groups' can be from None to available groups on the board.

it would make it most flexible.

yah, i know i'm a lurker with my 1st post, but if it's not in there, i'll have to do some fancy coding to acommodate the 1 group add/subtract limit..

PS: great addon btw
All I know is that on my site, even without this mod and by doing the same thing manually I can make upwards of 1,000 per month. So since this can automate everything, the price is extremely low for what it offers.
No one can make that choice for you, but for what its worth.....

I wrote some scripts that bascially did the same thing as mypaymentpal. Set them up as they registered to allow them a 30 day free trial. Then when they paid we'd manually add them in via another script.

I went ahead and got mypaymentpal and put it up and had it running in about 5 minutes flat.

Once I convert over to it I figure my personal hassles are going to drop to near nothing. It's well written, Clean in appearance, Overall NICE!.

Knowing Josh and Dave by the work they've done around here I have no doubt the future of this one will be bright.
Aha, I get the point. Well I won't be charging people for entry, but I can understand this might in fact be very usefull for admins who do.

The point is not to charge for entry that is a hard thing to do. What one could do is charge for addons on the site like Photopost/Reviewpost. Different Usergroups access that gets you into a set of forums that have some extra features.
Or for chat, avatars, custom titles, signatures, etc
Exactly full pay for access sites do not work unless its porn that attracts the sickos LOL
[]Smilesforu said:
Or for chat, avatars, custom titles, signatures, etc [/]

That would be just great! Would hopefully create jealousy amongst non paying users, forcing them to pay up to look just as cool!

This in combination with a few pay forums would be quite interesting.

Another thing: With pay forums, this would require a second, protected, upload directory.

The ordinary directory can be browsed by anyone, wich makes is a bad place to put stuff you want to sell.
I thought I'd share some recent Product feedback here. Gixxer ordered and installed this yesterday. Later in the evening, he posted this:
People are giving me money and I don't have to chase down their username anymore!

Looking forward to some more time away from the computer and more money in my pocket!

thanks guys [/]


Now of course, you have to have the "content" that people want to pay for, but when you do, this becomes extremely easy.
Version 1.1 of myPaymentPal has been released. Official Announcement
Version 1.2 has been released. It's identical to version 1.1 but is written to be compatible with UBB.Threads version 6.5 (when it's ready).
It's one year later, does this work with threads 6.5.1+ and paypal (not sure if they've changed their interface)?
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