Posted By: Calimerion Beta-[6.4] Easy Default Header Admin 1.0 - 01/03/2004 3:08 PM
Mod Name / Version: Easy Default Header Admin 1.0

Description: Default header modification. Allowing you to use default header for a forum and editing the displayed banner for each forum from within the admin panel. Left text displayed at header is the forum title and text right for each forum can also be set from the edit board section over at the admin panel.

Version works best with standard banner size 468x60 and demo available at http://www.dragon-clan.de

Working Under: UBB.Threads 6.4

Mod Status: Beta

Any pre-requisites: none

Author(s): Robert Kern (Calimerion) - http://www.dragon-clan.de

Date: 01/03/04

Credits: Zarzal - Dragon Clan

Files Altered: /includes/header.php, /admin/viewboard.php, /admin/doeditboard.php

New Files: none

Database Altered: Bo_Banner, Bo_TextRight added to w3t_Boards

Info/Instructions: Instructions and Screenshots included as attachment.

This is my first modification. So handle with care ^^. Would be much appriciated if someone perhaps could look over it, if things are generally in place and order.

Thank you.

Disclaimer: Please backup every file that you intend to modify.
If the modification modifies the database, it's a good idea to backup your database before doing so.

Note: If you modify your UBB.Threads code, you may be giving up your right for "official" support from Infopop.If you need official support, you'll need to restore unmodified files.

Attached File
Posted By: Calpy Re: Beta-[6.4] Easy Default Header Admin 1.0 - 04/22/2004 12:59 AM
* I know nothing is guaranteed, but should I even try to install this on my 6.3 board? I really want something to make managing all my various forum headers easier.
Posted By: scroungr Re: Beta-[6.4] Easy Default Header Admin 1.0 - 04/22/2004 1:39 AM
You may have to do some tweaking of the code. But I say if your up to it go for it
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