Ok, this is a question and not a tip, if someone provides the answer, then it will be a tip

Anyway, I know how to make a link open up to a new window using _blank. But rather than the new window just being the default size, how do I specify a size? I know this is done on a million sites since most of the popups you receive are done this way.

can it be done in HTML or do you need javascript or something to accomplish this?
Can't be done with just html unfortunately. This is how it is done with javascript:

<br />  <script language="javascript"><br />   function openNewWindow(url) {<br />    window.open(url,'newPage','scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=400,height=400');<br />   }<br />  </script><br /><br />  <a href="javascript:openNewWindow('newpage.html');">Open new window at 400 x 400</a><br />
excellent, that is what I was looking for Thanks.
Here's another way to do it.
<br /><a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="window.open('https://ubbdev.com/forum/pals/shoutdisplaypal.php','shoutboxpal','width=200,height=400,top=100,left=150,screenX=1,screenY=1,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');">Shout Box</a><br />

As you can see, I pilfered that from the IIP page. I test it in both a .php file and a .html file. So that is another way to do it.
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