Posted By: Dark s.s. Trunks Maybe best idea yet.! - 12/15/2001 6:48 AM
Not sure if anyone remember, But in Ultimate Builten Board Verson.5 there was a IM thing that was really sweet.

Discription: It would do 2 things show on public topic page. if they where online or not and if you click the online symble or another icon a window poped up and you could sent a Im to them and it would pop up for them and it would also show up in the pm area..

If someone could make that for this or ever 6.05 verson of ubb that would be the best hack yet.

If anyone is having trouble figureing out what i am getting at plz post and tell me your question..
Posted By: Dark s.s. Trunks Re: Maybe best idea yet.! - 12/21/2001 10:32 PM

Comon ppl ......
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