Posted By: Jim Lord Integrating UBB Member List and SQL database - 04/10/2002 8:22 PM
Forgive me if this is elsewhere, but a search didn't show anything.

I'm looking for something that will allow me to use the existing UBB member list for the rest of my site.

We're working on it ourselves, but if someone is farther along, I'd gladly not duplicate the job.

I'm also trying to find documentation that shows what each line of the member file corresponds to.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would advise holding off on your conversion until 6.3 is out the door.

One of the roadblocks to doing this is the reliance on memberslist's existance.. and memberslist is the slowest part of the member profile system.

6.3's code alters all routines that access memberslist to call other routines, which then can be modified to 'create' a memberslist from a query rather than reading it off disk. (Then the new FileExists routine can be modified to always return true when it's checking the memberslist, emailfile, pdns, etc)

I have already completed much work on a conversion, but can not release it for public consumption in its current form....

Here's the latest copy of the member file field specification:

1 User name
2 Password
3 Email Address
5 Permissions Line
6 Occupation
7 Location
8 Post count
9 Status (Admin|Mod|Member)
10 Interests
11 Reg Date (MM-DD-YYYY)
12 Email View (yes|no)
13 Signature
15 Allow Mass Mail (yes|no)
16 Public Display Name
17 Custom Field 1
18 Custom Field 2
19 Custom Field 3
20 Custom Field 4
21 Picture URL
22 DaysPrune
24 Last edit information
25 Profile locked? (yes|no)
26 Allow User Ratings (yes|no)
27 Awaiting Moderation Queue? (Q|)
28 Allow Incoming PMs? (yes|no)
29 Notify on email on PM? (yes|no)
30 Admin allows to SEND PMs? (yes|no)
31 Last Post Information (YYYYMMDD|forum|thread|post|IP)
32 Admin-assigned user title
33 Birth Date|Allow others to view bdate
34 Parental email if COPPA
35 Registration IP
36 User is invisible to Who's Online
37 Ban user from polling (1 = yes)
38 Relative or abs URL to user Avatar
39 Lock user avatar (1 = yes) | No user avatar (1 = yes) | User hides other avatars (1 = yes)
Charles, thank you very much for the info on the upcoming change, and the requested member file info. I'll keep an eye out on 6.3 and see how we want to handle this.

I "think" that if we can just do the following, we'll be alright on a change, but I could just be showing my IQ...

  • Direct all new registrations to the UBB registration page
  • Have the registration script set off the creation of a very basic member record with username, password, and email address (or)
  • Run something every night that adds any new members to the table.

With this, I would hope that any change to the member files would still have that basic information, and we could just adapt the script that creates the database record.
(Forgive me if I'm using the wrong terms. I know just enough to cause things to crash everywhere. Someone else in our office will actually handle the details.)
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