Hi, i am searching this options (mark all posts as read / mark all forums as read) for UBB 6.x.

Anyone a hint? Thanks...
No one here who can realise or want this feature. confused
Log out then back in - there is no other way to get this done at the moment. Doing it any other way may lead to trouble down the line. Do not attempt to add this functionality. Hacks that have interfered with UBB cookies have ALWAYS caused problems.
The only thing in the V6 that sucks is that the icons don't update themselves as they did in earlier versions. Lots of people keep our forum open whole day in work and were used to just press the logo to see where are the new posts. Now they have to close the browser to update the cookie..

I cant think why it is so hard to write a hack that would just change the log time in the cookie or something... many people are missing this function.
Charles, what if the hack were merely a link that logged the user out and back in automatically using their username and password from the cookie? Something like that would insulate those poor souls who find logging out and in manually to be a traumatizing experience. wink


That comment made my day. Thanks.

This item has been approved for the todo list for the next major release. Thank Dave.
So I don't have to pay you anything? wink
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