Posted By: DW Counter/Views Collum? - 07/10/2001 8:12 PM
Is there any way to add a "Views Collum" on the forum page?
Or some type of counter to each thread?

Posted By: DW Re: Counter/Views Collum? - 07/10/2001 9:10 PM
Something thast counts the total views of a thread.

If this isn't the right forum please let me know and I will take it somewhere else.
Posted By: Tadpohl Re: Counter/Views Collum? - 07/11/2001 2:01 AM
E@sy has a view count hack, already posted here. BUT, it seems it has conflicts with other hacks. I have installed E@sy's view hack along with many other hacks. As soon as I installed E@sy's view hack, I lost my Who's Online, and Stats, plus my forum colums went out of whack.

So there is a hack you can use, and it does work good. Just it doesn't work well with some other hacks. So if you want Stats, or Who's Online, you can forget about E@sy's view hack. But if you don't have either Who's Online, or Stats installed then the view counter will work excellent.

E@sy's view counter can be found in the Beta Hacks forum. It should be easy to find, so I will not post a link to the msg here.
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