Posted By: Punisher2000 Mute Members hack - 02/24/2002 9:56 PM
Is there a mod that will give the poster, regardless of standing or admin ability, the capability to MUTE another member or members?

For example:
I post a topic and there is an option to disallow a certain other member from replying to this topic. Myabe via pull down or check box list even.
This would help stop disruptive members from ruining topics by just not allowing them to post. By allowing regular members this power, it would help when the mods are not available, to quell disruptive users.
Obviously, admins/mods would have to be exempt from the mute function.
Posted By: ADWOFF Re: Mute Members hack - 03/07/2002 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Punisher2000:
Is there a mod that will give the poster, regardless of standing or admin ability, the capability to MUTE another member or members?

For example:
I post a topic and there is an option to disallow a certain other member from replying to this topic. Myabe via pull down or check box list even.
This would help stop disruptive members from ruining topics by just not allowing them to post. By allowing regular members this power, it would help when the mods are not available, to quell disruptive users.
Obviously, admins/mods would have to be exempt from the mute function.

Oh, I would love something like this--tune out the idiots in the world! (Oops, did I say this? wink )

Trouble is--I'd want to be able to use it as an administrator! tipsy laugh
Posted By: jimmy2 Re: Mute Members hack - 03/10/2002 7:07 AM
I though this would be a favorite there is no way to stop trolls at the moment. The ban feature is worthless but this would work much like a kill or bozo filter in newsgroups.
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