Posted By: rockwell Board shutting down: To many requests..... - 01/16/2003 9:51 PM
Eh, wrong area... sorry. This question was answered in the help forum. Delete/Close this.
Posted By: rockwell Re: Board shutting down: To many requests..... - 01/16/2003 10:05 PM
What's the URL to your board?
I've seen about 2 or 3 UBB boards that had 300+ online users at one time, let alone 30,000 - 50, 000 registered members total. Their line seems to be stable. While their boards may eventually require database with the increasing traffic, I'm not sure if it's an issue with UBB or the server itself.
Umm...What's up with your homepage Rockwell?
I'm not sure why my profile has yourmomma other than I was in a joking mood when I signed up.
I Can't get in without registering.
Posted By: rockwell Re: Board shutting down: To many requests..... - 01/17/2003 11:50 PM
We turned off the "login" option. The board is now turning off every 3 minutes. Is there any way to turn off this option in the ubb?
You would have had to turn it on manually by editing ultimatebb.cgi. The included defaults turn off the board at a very high load, so if it is indeed turning off every few minutes, that server is simply getting pounded...

Your Recent Visitors time limit is set to 60 minutes - that's just nuts. Cut it down to 15 minutes, that should improve performance majorly and give a more accurate view of how many people are REALLY on your board at once. Once we have that figure, we can continue troubleshooting...
Originally posted by Charles Capps:
The included defaults turn off the board at a very high load, so if it is indeed turning off every few minutes, that server is simply getting pounded...

I remember another clan site that ran into the problem of a server overload when they turned off the board login. To resolve it they simply went to another host. If I'm correct however, their server was shared, not dedicated.
Yea, our server is also shared. I set the recent visitors to 15... I guess I should also uninstall the "hits" hack because in my stats that hack seems to take up a lot of bandwidth.

Oh, thanks for the comments guys.
I made a post earlier about this same thing

I want to manually edit the code to make it where It doesnt shut off... I want it to run... If the server is overloaded...it shouldnt be.

Could anyone help us out on changing the code?
I'm no expert but I would think running an overloaded server is, well...A bad idea.
Not my server, suppose to be dependable.....we pay enough for it. And on their end they say the server is fine.

so it makes no sense....

Its like the ubb is reading it wrong.
think we got it.

added the friendly # before each line where the ubb code tells it to shut down...

and problem seems fixed wink

thanks to all who contributed....
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