i'm trying to figure out how to make the transistion pages the same as each style i have.

For example i use a white bg and a gray bg. but when you post on the white bg pages the transistion page is the same for ALL the forums and you see the gray transistion pop which looks weird cuz all the other pages in that forum are white.

SO, is it possible to make each transistion page the same as the style for that forum?? and not the same throughout the forums. help

btw, i'm using ubb 6.2.1
Upgrade. %) We added the ability to use a combined per-forum normal and transition template in 6.3.
oh, you can fix that by updating... it was fixed in 6.3+ I think, definitely 6.4+ smile

A mod...hmmm. will need to be looked at by someone else smile
i would update but i've done so many hacks it would take forever to make it all the same again!

>> does anyone know which file determines the style for each page??
well i figured it out and its working good so far. i just went into all the ubb_****.cgi files and replaced all the:




except for the ultimatebb.cgi file which gave me an error for some reason, but works fine if i use my backup file
ok, now for some reason when i post a topic it takes a lot longer to take me back to the topic page!?!? why is this??
good deal, glad you got it worked out smile
Certain things are done a little differently when loading a transition template up. Frankly, I don't recall how we did it before the 6.3 release, which resulted in some major changes to the way styles are determined...

LoadStyleTemplate is probably firing public_common, resulting in resetting things like the redirection variable, which still gets set in some quite questionable ways...
could it be that when it looks up $this_forum it is taking it longer!?! but that determines the style used which is correct its just the reloading that is taking extra time. what file contains the template for the transistion??
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