Easy to buy , easy to impress your friends and irritate your kids - I coulda used this more than once just this past week tipsy
I've seen those before (review on TechTV) they're helarious... If I went to the bar's I would so bring one...

Then again I do go to the electronics section at Sears/BestBuy all the time...
I want one that turns off the cell phone stuck to the ear of the driver in front of me.
That one would make a million $$$ - an operator would break in to say 'hang up and drive' then disconnect them smile
Originally posted by navaho:

I want one that turns off the cell phone stuck to the ear of the driver in front of me.
Get a "black market" cellphone jammer; anyone within 50' of you won't be able to use a cellphone...
Sorry I'm late to work, Ted. I was driving along, turned on my cellphone jammer and the vette died.

No, I have no idea why.

You don't think the cell phone jammer had anything to do with it, do you?
I used to have one of those wristwatches that had a universal remote on it, back in middle school. That was large amounts of fun to play with in school when we'd be watching a movie in class. devilchili Then the librarian caught me using it one day and they banned me from wearing it, because they thought it was going to damage their TVs or something.

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