Just curious
Someone just copyed my site pretty much word by word... all the names of the forums and forum descriptions are like mine, the introductions and welcome message are copy from my Web...
It is just like if I am on my web but with instead of bein iip thread it is postnuke

what are my legal option?
how much will it cost me?
any lawyers in the house?

Have you ever thought about what you would do . could do if someone copyed everything from your site?
You could complain to their host about copyright infringement and hope they do something. You may be asked to prove that your material was really yours and that isn't exactly easy. Or they may just ignore you in the worse case scenario.

Lawyers? Nah forget about that, it would cost a small fortune and even if you won (a really big if) you'd be in the hole even further.

Of course, you can threaten them with doing so and hope they retract your content.

Really, there isn't much you can do in situations like this. You just have to assume that anything you put online is fair game. 'Tis the nature of the net.
I have had a few people do that to me now, it's the price you pay for an original idea and I don't think much can be done about it. As long as you keep things interesting and have a good core group of users though, your site will still prosper and be known as the site that was copied
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