Ok, I know for a fact, that my brain is filled with all kinds of useless knowledge, interesting tidbits, and basically stuff I'll never actually use in my lifetime. Is this only me? or does everyone pick up this kind of stuff and carry it around with them all the time.

As example, off the top of my head, here's a couple things.

One thing I use to test if I'm too drunk or not, is whether or not I can remember that alcohol is a diuretic. (of course, I think I've been using this as a test too long, since I almost never forget the word diuretic anymore). Basically, for those who don't know, diuretic substances cause your body to lose more water than it really wants to.. (this is why hangover prevention techniques like drinking water work, and also why you wake up with a headache if you don't do this, you're basically dehydrated).

Also related to drinking (no, I'm not an alcoholic, honest *hic*), did you know that there's a substance in Ginger that stops you feeling nauseous? (depends on the kind of nausea, but works for hangover nausea)..

I'll think of more later, meanwhile, tell us all your most useless/useful fact..
I know for a fact that drinking water really does help it mainly works for me after drinking draft beer the night before

Ok my little tid-bit to remember always drink the hard stuff first never last oh yeah and never ever drink milk on top of alot of beer it causes a very bad experience

Why is it that all of the none important little thing that you pick up are mostly from drinking or high school tipsy
Hmm, possibly because there are so many "life experiences" involved in both that you can't help picking stuff like that up? laugh
Humph, you learn something new everyday.
lol it does seem like most of my life does involve those things
Oh yeah just remembered one
Don't ever wizz on the electric fence tipsy
Good advice, my man.
...1 step worse Lucia...

My am-I-drunk test is to remember WHY alcohol is a diuretc... alcohol molecules are so structurally similar to vasopressin (an ADH (anti diuretic hormone)) that the receptors which usually detect, process and deal with vasopressin in the liver are busy dealing with the alcohol in your blood stream.... as such, your body doesn't detect the "hold water" signals, and your kidneys don't reabsorb sufficient water...

my other am-I-drunk test is to try EXPLAINING that to someone over a beer. wink

Ack... actual biology knowledge!... *rubs temples* looks like I might not fail my exam after all...
You are who you want to be

Not who they want you to be

Unless they have lots of money

In which case you're everything they want you to be
my am-I-drunk tests are if I know I'm doing really stupid things. for example:
taking fish out of the bowl and pouring alcohol in there and trying to set it on fire.
Making a potato canon.
Prank calling people such as B. A. Squirrell and asking them where they keep their nuts.
etc etc. a case of "it was funny at the time" wink
lol Sally is a hoodlum tipsy
Yep, you got that right laugh
Alright, since everyone else has posted something alcohol-related, here's mine...

I know (or at least I've been told) that when you drink Everclear, and you puke, it comes back up in a nice purple color.

And for some non-alcohol-related factoids...

I know the word antidisestablishmentarianism means basically "going against the government".
I know queueing is the only word in the English language with five consecutive vowels.
I know Pepsi One has one milligram more caffeine per can than Mountain Dew.
I know it is a federal crime to use the word "Incorporated," "Inc.," "Corporation," or any other variation of that word in the title of your company, if in fact you are not really incorporated.
I know the source code for the DVD-ripping program decss.c (thanks of course to Copyleft).
And I know that on 1280x1024 resolution, the Programs menu on the Start bar can hold fifty items without having to scroll.



[ April 21, 2001 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Skorpion ]
Skorp, you win laugh
w00t! laugh

What's my prize?? Hehe!

Wow eek you know someone that has puked purple from everclear that's pretty cool tipsy I have never puked purple from everclear or at least I don't remember I never remember much after a couple of shots dang 180 proof alchol tipsy
Your prize is the knowledge you won, and a smiley laugh
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