Well...I did it...I actually created a test copy of UBB on my server WITHOUT destroying my original forums! WOOT WOOT! Once I get the hang of it...I'll update my active forums! Being able to have a test UBB is simply WONDERFUL...now I have something to trash without getting spammed with e-mail!

Nothing exciting on the test forums yet.
Test forums: http://gaming.dimhorizon.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi

Active forums:

*chuckles* Now...I can start to edit the test forums! I've ALWAYS wanted to do this! YIPPEEE!

(Guess you can tell I'm a bit excited eh?)
Congrats. laugh

Test forums are great! If you've got Windows 2000, you can run one on your own computer, too. That's what I do... It's great when you can hack to your heart's content without having to upload every file every time you change it. The only problem with that, is sometimes it's kinda a PITA when you do get around to uploading and you accidentally forget a file and you sit there for twenty minutes scratching your head wondering why you keep getting the stupid 500 ISE's... wink

lol Skorpion!
I'm still running Windows 98...
But do I qualify if I've already sat there scratching my head when I 775 instead of 777 something?

congrats smile
Well...two good things happened today!
Not only did I get my test ubb working, but I've also managed to install the who's online!

Too fun!
I'm amazed at editing just those few lines created such a nifty change in the forums! Thanks for such a great hack!

Test UBB

Dim Horizon Forums

[ July 13, 2001 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Arianna ]
Thats great news, I have a 6.05 testing forum up where I just test some hacks and stuff.
Thats great smile i have a 6.03 that i set up just to hack and get ready for 6.1, im ganna upgrade to a 6 finnaly LOL like i told Lord me and him will most likely be sitting on 6 by the time 7 is fully hacked LOL we never wanna upgrade for some reason
It's hard to upgrade when you have hacks installed on ya board. I'm gonna try learn. But 7 woah, Thats way too far thinking ahead. wink
LOL yea i know, still im still beting $20 that we will be on it LOL
Yeah some people I see are on some old versions of 6 still, Not everyone upgrades when a new version comes out.
yea but i guess with 6.1 comeing out we must move along with the "times" :p, hehe seems every time i come here dev has upgraded to a new verson of 6 wink
I know the frustration...that's why I waited as long as I did to upgrade. Though...lol I didn't hear about 6.1 till well after I made the decision to renew my license and install from 6.02 to 6.05! *chuckles*

Oh well...I really hope they slow down on putting out upgrades. It can be mind-boggling having to dink with the forums all the time! I'd just like to sit back and let them grow a bit...and do some serious web design!
You have a good point there, Some people upgrade every time a new version comes out and some don't and just upgrade when big changes have happened in between the versions.
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