Posted By: Brad.loo mp3 script - 01/10/2002 11:51 PM
hey guys i started thinking about something i wanna do on my site and i came up with this, i run a all around entertanment site, and god knows i love ALOT of metal and punk laugh
Posted By: RandyM Re: mp3 script - 01/11/2002 3:30 AM
If you're talking about "real" streaming media then you have quite a task ahead of you. I run servers that stream Windows media content and RealMedia servers as well. This is not an inexpensive proposition.

If you want to be able to provide links that will let people "listen" to MP3's from your server then you are going to have an awful lot of bandwidth utilization if it becomes popular. 8 people listening to 192Kbs bitrate MP3's can fill a T-1.
Posted By: Brad.loo Re: mp3 script - 01/11/2002 3:56 AM
i got the band , im only ganna be pushing low encodes anyway, if not streaming downloadible links will work, i just need something to randomly show what the newest song is, if downloading i just it could be called "fetured" or something, and have it show a list of the last 30 or so played.
Posted By: Variables Re: mp3 script - 01/11/2002 8:41 AM
I've made an interface in flash 5 with "jukebox" functions, it can load streaming MP3 in no time in high quality stereo! There are two beginning bands on our forum and they promote there tracks this way. I shall place an example asap.
Posted By: Burak Re: mp3 script - 01/11/2002 1:58 PM
winamp also has a server program as i remember?

moving to chit chat
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