This is a simple little mod, but it has made member management a little easier for me. It adds three tabs to the bottom row of the Admin showuser.php screen when you're editing a member: View Profile, PM and Posts.
I was always making some change or researching someone I suspected of being a banned member rejoining under an alias, and I'd want to look at their regular profile, read all their posts or send them a PM right from the Admin screen rather than opening a new window and finding them via the User List.
Open /admin/showuser.php
if ($uid != $user['USER_ID']) {
if ($user['USER_MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL'] == "Administrator") {
$bottomtabs = array(
"{$ubbt_lang['DELETE_USER']}" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/admin/deleteuser.php?uid=$uid",
"{$ubbt_lang['SEND_PASS']}" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/admin/sendpassword.php?uid=$uid",
"{$ubbt_lang['BECOME_USER']}" => "$loginas",
"{$ubbt_lang['MERGE_USER']}" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/admin/mergeuser.php?uid=$uid",
Add below it:
"View Profile" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showprofile&User=$uid",
"PM" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/ubbthreads.php?ubb=sendprivate&User=$uid",
"Posts" => "{$config['BASE_URL']}/ubbthreads.php?ubb=dosearch&Forum=All_Forums&Name=$uid&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&&fromsearch=1&fromprof=1"
Et viola! I could have added language strings to the language file and referenced them here, but all my admins are English speakers, so I skipped it.