Squared Background Tutorial by Skorpion

Software = Photoshop + Plug-ins
1. This background requires the "Unplugged Tools" plugin set, which can be downloaded for free, at http://v-d-l.com. Download that and copy the files into your plug-ins directory.
2. Open Photoshop, and create a new image of any size, in either "White" or "Background Color" mode.
3. Select your desired Foreground Color, and set the Background Color to White. The foreground color I used is hex code #006699.
4. Run the Clouds filter (Filter : Render : Clouds).
5. Run the Renaissance plug-in (Filter : Unplugged Tools : Renaissance). Run it twice or three times more, depending on your preference.
6. Run the Mosaic filter (Filter : Pixelate : Mosaic), with a cell size setting of whatever you think looks best (I used 7).
7. Run the Renaissance plug-in once again (Filter : Unplugged Tools : Renaissance). This adds a slight "dirty" grid line between each of the pixel blocks.
8. Now just add text or your images on top of that, and you're done!
Example Image:
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