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Mike, in this thread:;f=26;t=000790

They talk about a file attachment to include a picture or zip in a topic/reply. I wonder if this could be done, only for an image. I think the album script has all the fundamentals to accomplish this. The upload, thumpnail and integration with the ubb.

A member could add an uploaded image in a topic/reply so that it appears not only in the album itself, bit also in the upper right part of the topic/reply field as a thumnail. This doesn't have to be a "click and enlarge" image. Maybe it could be done by a scriptline in the It would be very nice.

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how are we to see the examples when they are passworded?

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Most of them are linked to forums. Just join the forums and see what you can see...

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Version 5.0 has gone final!

Get it at

Changes from 5.0 Beta 3 are as follows:

  • Added recent_template config item and album_recent.tml template in order to allow the recent uploads screen to be properly templated.
  • Visual styles, including all templates and style sheet have been totally re-done.
  • Common header is now used for the upload form.
  • Javascript removed from upload form.
  • Common look and feel used for all pages.
  • photo.tml is gone! I've merged it with album.tml, which is now used for both photos and albums. You can still define seperate templates if you wish.
  • Fixed a bug where a views.txt entry was created for some actions that shouldn't.
  • German translations now included in album_strings_deu.txt. Provided by Wander ([email protected])
  • Fixed a bug with YaBB authentication.
  • Updated the movie icon.
  • Added rating_location config item, allowing you to show the rating form either on the photo viewing page, or under it's thumbnail, in the album.
  • Setting thumb_width or thumb_height to zero will not constrain that dimension for thumbnails. Some browsers (mostly newer ones) will keep the aspect ratio of an image when only 1 dimension is specified.

For a list of all changes since 4.6 please see!readme.html
If you want to see what the new style looks like in action, check out this Sample Gallery .

If you have any questions or problems, let me know.


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Hi Mike,


don't work correctly I think.


these ones work fine!

I my old cfg the paths for photo_icon ... worked correctly. I just copied the path into the new cfg!

Where could be the problem?


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Hmmm. I didn't touch that code (that I remember smile ).

On which screens are the icons broken? (in the Legend, or the page itself, etc...) Also, what are the actual links to the icon images? (Right click, properties to see what URL it's trying to load...)


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i've tried to install version 5.. but i kept getting this problem

String table is not found! Cannot continue execution. Not a directory

i've already upload english version in to the cgi-bin/album directory along with

can some one tells me what's wrong?

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I fixed this issue with the stringtable late last night (I hope). Try re-downloading and use the new


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Posts: 21 such luck..sry still having the same problem

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Ok, I definitely got it this time. Sorry about that folks. Re-download now, and replace your with the new version.


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it's working fine now thanx ^^

just onq small problem.... is the deleting function work? evrything seem to work ok... but when i tryed to delete pic.. i got to confirm delete file, press yes then i get this error

WARNING: /home/webserver/ubb/album/female/ayu.gif could not be deleted!

anyidea what's wrong?

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Glad to hear it's fixed. The deleting problem may be caused by permissions. Does the web server have write access to the directory the pic is in? (Write access to the pic itself?)

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CHMOD at 777 all the way in to the album folder (pic storage).. i used ftp to delete the old and upload a new one.... try delete the new one...but no luck.. i can edit the files just fine..but the deleting.. >_<

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Sorry for taking so long to reply. I should have checked my notes earlier.

Your particular problem is that you're not authorized to delete the file! One of the following conditions has to be true:
  • You have to be logged in as a user who is a "default_admin"
  • You have to be the user who uploaded the file (and allow_delete=1)
  • The "function=admin" code has to be active.

It appears that none of those are true in this case!

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Hey Mike any chance of making this able to use MYSQL authentication like UBBthreads so it can use those existing members?

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Hello again!

Version 5.1 is now out the door, downloadable at . New features in 5.1 are as follows:

  • Added support for the Image Magick ( ) suite of graphics tools. ``imagemagick'' config item points to imagemagick binary installation, and thumb_quality config item determines JPEG quality level. When integrated, thumbnails are generated automatically for images that don't have them. (This happens the first time the thumbnail is requested, and not found.) New thumbnails are currently emphasized with a 1 width border.
  • Admin menu now shows up by default when you are logged in as an admin.
  • Updated install package to have more intuitive directory structure.
  • Upload error and success messages are now popup windows. (Thanks to Will ([email protected]) for the code for this feature!)
  • Fixed a bug: rating_location was broken.
  • The picture being rated is now displayed on the rating form. (Another feature from Will!)
  • Fixed anonymous upload bug.

Yep, you read that right. Long awaited "automatic thumbnail generation" is here!
In the end, I decided to link it to Image Magick's "convert" binary, rather than using it's PERL library. I figure it's way easier for people to just grab the binary than it is for them to install the PERL lib.

Let me know if you find any problems.


P.S. That's a neat idea Chuck. I'll add it to the list. I'm a MySQL newbie, so it'll take a fair amound of learning on my part...

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Yep, that's a good one. I've used it myself, pretty slick. But no UBB integration. smile

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Mike I really like this Album.

I have two little problems that maybe you could help me with.

First. There seems to be some issue with the way imagemagic is being used to make the thumbnails.
I keep getting e-mails from people who says that the thumb nail pic is wrong. I delete the thumbnail and reload the page and the problem seems to be fixed. This sometimes happens if I delete all the thumbs in a dir and reload. I sometimes get the same thumb for all of the pics.

I am not sure if this is a imagemagic problem. I downloaded and compiled version 5.4.3-11
I am on a linux-mandrake 8.0

Second. I have been noticing that when people delete thier pics the thumbnails still remain. If the script that deletes the pics could also delete the thumbnails if they exist that could fix the first problem. (or at least be a work around)

Thanks again for a great product. (sorry for rambling)

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Hi Thonolan,

I've noticed the "wrong thumbnail" problem on one of my albums too. But as far as I can tell, it looks like maybe a caching issue. (Try this: move or copy a "wrong" thumbnail to a new filename, and then access it through the web. For me, it showed the right thumbnail then, insinuating that somehow the "wrong" image was just a cached copy (or something).

As for the thumbnails not being deleted, that'd be a bug. It's supposed to delete them, so I'll have to check that one out.


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Hi all,

5.2 has been released:

I highly recommend that you upgrade to it, as it fixes several important bugs, including a potentially dangerous security problem.

List of fixes:

  • Fixed login problem, where knowing the admin's username allowed arbitrary users to elevate their privilege levels.
  • Fixed bug where album_recent.tml had to be in cgi-bin.
  • Fixed bug with ``uploads not allowed'' message. (Thanks Angelia)
  • Improved photo deletion code - thumbnails are now also listed on the confirm page.

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did you have time to play with imagemagick ?

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Hi Chuck,

Which type of playing do you mean? You mean adding better error trapping, so when it doesn't work (like in your case) we know why?

If that's the question, the answer is no. frown But I will. smile

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Mike, just a note about the wordlets "time(s)" in french the word time/times is "fois" so it ends up as "foiss" could you do something ?



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Yep, I can fix that one. Look for it in 5.2.


Edit: I mean 5.3... I can't keep track of my own version numbers! laugh

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Hey Mike, I have some more info about the thumbnail issue.

My system has a fairly dynamic photo album. It's for a gaming web site. I have a lot of people uploading and modifying their albums. What seems to happen is that there looks like that when more than one person uploads at the same time imagemagic generates the same thumbnail for both picts. I have verified that the thumbs are really wrong, not a caching problem.

Secondly since people are deleting thier pics often the recent uploaded photos kinda chokes when the pic has been deleted. It still tries to create a thumbnail for a pic that no longer exists. This leads to it using the last good thumbnail that imagemagic created, and saving the thumb with a name that corresponds to the missing pic.

Third would it be possible in the future to delete the whole album from inside the interface?

None of these are critical errors. Just trying to give you some info.

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That's great information. Now I know a bit more about how Image Magick is working, and why some thumbnails aren't showing up right. I'll see what I can do about fixing this up.

I also know why the deleted pictures thing isn't working. I should be able to fix that too.


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Just catching up with some of the requests... 5.3 is out, changes include:

  • Passwords are no longer displayed in URLs when using UBB or YaBB authentication.
  • Added a couple more strings to the stringtable. (Thanks Robert Zernisch)
  • Changed ``album_description'' to ``albumdescription'' in album.tml and Photo_Album.css, to conform to W3C CSS guidelines. Did a bit of other CSS cleanup too.
  • Added check to see if the thumbnail exists after trying to create it. If not, then a generic thumbnail is used instead.
  • Added check to see if a picture actually exists from the recent uploads screen. If not, then it is skipped.
  • Fixed the ``time(s)'' string to be multilingual. Uses ``time'' and ``times'' as seperate strings now. (I.E. Viewed 1 time, Viewed 9 times)

Download it from

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Two releases in one day! Can you believe it?

Updates in V5.4:

  • Fixed white text in style sheet.
  • Added ``Comment from'' and ``Anonymous'' to string table. (Thanks Robert Zernisch)
  • Updated German string table. (Thanks again, Robert Zernisch)
  • Added rateit class to style sheet, and made the ``[Rate it]'' link conform to this class. (Was previously not ``in style'')
  • Made link to open a new browser window.
  • Fixed endless loop problem with recent uploads. Doh!

I wouldn't have released two on the same day, but the last bullet (the endless loop) was a bit of a problem!

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Nice to see how this album is developed further Mike, great work. wink

I wonder if this could be implemented in Postnuke php/mygsl portal. There are gallery's for this software but i think this album can do it better.

A thumpnail image in a block near the newspages and when you click on it then the complete album appears in the same postnuke tablestructure. Would be nice i guess.

Postnuke example:

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That would be pretty cool. My knowledge of PostNuke is limited to what you've just said though. smile

Always lots to learn! wink I'll add it to the list, and hopefully I'll find the time to check it out in a bit more detail.


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Hello again!

In an effort to try to make life easier for users, I've set up a support forum:

This forum was put in place to allow users to post their support problems, or search previous posts to see if their question has already been answered.

I have also set up a test album, where registered forum users can "test drive" the script:

I know, the last thing you probably need is another forum, but hopefully this will help streamline the support process. So please use the new forums for any problems you may have.

Thanks all!

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Hi all!

Been a while since my last release, but that's becaue I've been saving it up. smile

5.5 is now out, downloadable at

New features are:

  • The delete album function finally works! (Though you can't delete and album that has sub albums - you have to do that recursively...)
  • Added ``pic_resize'' config item, which can be used to set the size of the actual photos as they are uploaded. See album.cfg for details.
  • Added ``always_pic_resize'' config item. When set to 1, pictures are always resized to pic_resize dimensions. When zero, only pictures that are bigger than pic_resize are ``shrunk'' down to that size. (Smaller pictures are not made larger...)
  • Added ``sortby'' config item, which allows sorting by filename or by modified date, either ascending or descending. Many thanks to Sukeband ([email protected]) for he date sorting code.
  • Added ####URL#### tag for photos. This tag adds the direct URL to the actual photo, which can be linked to for avatars, signatures, etc.
  • When entering titles and descriptions, the focus automatically starts in the ``title'' textbox. (Had to remove 2nd ####ENTERDESC#### tag from the footer template for this to work right...)
  • Slideshows are now disabled when entering titles and descriptions.
  • Fixed ``no cookie login'' problems.
  • Clicking on ``Update Titles and Descriptions'' in the admin menu no longer boots you out to the root album. (It keeps you where you were).
  • Added ``Page'' to stringtable, and made next/prev page strings different from next/prev picture strings. (So you can have unique strings for both areas.)
  • Fixed ``user becomes admin'' problem for per member uploads.
  • Fixed problem where users can see thumbnails, titles and descriptions without having to log in.
  • Fixed bug where description updates are added to the existing description (instead of replacing it).
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't update the title/description on photos with funny characters (brackets, for example) in the name.
  • Added ``sample'' UNIX permissions to the file list, to help with installation.
  • Optimized general album execution a bit by taking out unneccessary subroutine calls.
  • Added ImageMagick error message output.
  • Fixed so many other little bugs I can't list them all!

P.S. If you have any issues, I encourage them to post them at the support forums:

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nice mike smile
will give it a go

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image magick works like a charm in this version smile

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Cool, glad to hear it! Some people are still having problems with ImageMagick integration though... frown

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Originally posted by Mike Bobbitt:
Cool, glad to hear it! Some people are still having problems with ImageMagick integration though... frown

well the only problem I found was with a version that was too old and got a -convert option doesn't exist.

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Yeah, that's not uncommon. I want to use the PERL lib from ImageMagick at some point, and hopefully that will help some people out...

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Originally posted by Mike Bobbitt:
Yeah, that's not uncommon. I want to use the PERL lib from ImageMagick at some point, and hopefully that will help some people out...

of course thereis always the solution of doing an album in PHP but what would require a LOT more work I fear

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Yeah, and right now at least, PERL is more portable than PHP. Though that seems to be changing!

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