We have a Winner! ::
Winner of the Beyond Compare UBBDev/Threadsdev Content Rulez Contest, as voted on by the members here, is the Leoville site, run by the more-than-famous Leo Laporte. Leoville Town Square is a fansite of technology guru
Leo Laporte (the Mayor of Leoville) known for his Books and Radio & Television Shows. Leo wins a license for
Beyond Compare ®, the advanced file and folder comparison utility for Windows. Congrats Leo! Check out the interview with Leo's forum guru,
Josh Pettit for an idea of how Leo's site got to where it is today.
In second place, our very own
Gizmo 's site, UGN Security steps in. Tacks gets the inside scoop in their
tasty interview . Check it out, it's got a great beat and I can dance to it, I give it 4 stars Mr. Clark!
Are we there yet? ::
This month we have a plethora of interviews on more subjects than you can shake a shrek at. We hear from
Charles Capps ,
Rick Baker , and
most of the entire staff here at ubbdev in what could only be called 'can't miss' interviews. Both Charles and Rick give us some insight into future versions of their award-winning ubb.classic and ubb.threads software development, what makes them tick, and why you shouldn't get between them and their keyboards. The staff roundtable was recorded from a mic plant in the breakroom here at ubbdev workdwide headquarters. All are worth your while
Again, congrats to Leo and Gizzy, great sites