I'm planning on using it to set up articles similar to a news posting program. For example, I have certain members who author how to articles and such on fishing in my post nuke site. Once I get everything converted, I will set up a Group called authors and set up forums (categories of fishing articles) so they are the only ones who can post. Yet, similar to the comments system in post nuke, I will set the forums so users can reply (or in terms of the post-php nuke syndrome, leave comments.)
Essentially, you could have several different groups, one for each author, so that they can be the feature writer in, say, John Doe covers the 'Outboard Maintenance' department and Joe covers another department. Somewhat of a newspaper column with reader mail.
As far as using it for a bid type situation, perhaps it would benefit it you laid down some ground rules to prevent 'stealing' ones thread.
Last edited by fishtails; 09/28/2002 2:29 PM.