Hi, I'm working on a test UBB.Threads Forum to swich my existing UBB.classic. I port my UBB.classic color scheme on the UBB.Threads, here it is: web page
What do you think about ?
Sorry, the Forum is in Italian and this is only the test board.
The only thing I have doubts about is that the "Last Post" column takes the exact same width as the forum name and description. This, divided by the contrasting colors of the new posts/threads columns makes a great design but... it also makes it look as if it is another forum. As if right now you had two on the left side, and two on the right side. Obviously with a little reading what it says you will realize it is not so, or just by experience, so its no big problem... It has that dissadvantage, but on the other side it makes it look really cool.
I thought you also changed the template to make it look like that. Now I see you didnt, it's just the new template. You would have to change the template, but it's no big deal, it has that sideback but on the other hand it probably gains in looks.
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