Ah, that clarifies.
To be honest the image is so dark that I can't even perceive the misalignment you're referring to regardless, at least using 1024x768 res at 16 bpp. And my monitor has very good definition. It simply appears as a flat black.
What are you using to notice this so easily?
Anyway, you shouldn't be using the same image again for the footer. Don't define any background image except in your css BODY class, and it will then allow the body background image to show through in your P,TABLE,TD,TR class
Here's an example...
body { <br /> background-color: #00003f; <br /> background-image: url('/ubbthreads/images/my_background_image.gif'); <br /> border: 0px none; <br /> margin: 0px; <br /> padding: 0px <br />} <br /> <br />P,TABLE,TD,TR { <br /> font-family: Tahoma, Ms Sans Serif, Verdana, Arial, helv, Times New Roman, Times, serif; <br /> font-size: 12px; <br /> color: #ffffff; <br /> font-weight: normal; <br />}
Lemme know if you can get it to work by doing what I mentioned.