Well, my forum
http://www.mimf.dk is growing (although slowly) and I will be working on promotion and adding more interesting content in the near future. However, the graphic design is very dull - basically just a standard stylesheet. Unfortunately I really don't have time to learn how to master the art of edtiting and creating stylesheets, so I was thinking that maybe the time has come for me to seek professional assistance.
What I need is a new stylesheet that is (in order of importance):
• Easy to read and Comfortable to the eyes for longer peiods of time (very important!)
• Nice looking
• somewhat matches (or "complements") the design of my main website:
http://www.magle.dk (The graphic design of my main site was done by the graphics artist
Pollux Chung and I have added the color-scheme for the forum he originally suggested as an attachment to this post (He has never worked with designing ubb forums so I won't ask him to do it, I need someone with expertice in that field). the new style does NOT have to follow his suggestions. It is after all just a suggestion for color-matching.
It would also be very nice to have a custom header