Changelog 2016-08-24 • ShowProfile -Now displays a calculated "Posts Per Day." • ShowProfile -Fixed the Group Images (Profile Badges) display when a user has more than one Group Image. • ShowProfile -The User Rating drop-down section is now hidden from unregistered users. Registered users cannot rate themselves, so no rating options will be shown while viewing their own profiles either. • ShowProfile -User Rating drop-down lists now defaults to a blank rating when nothing is selected. It previously defaulted to just "1 Star." This drop-down list is also now sorted in a natural descending order.
The Member Rating selector is found right under the "About" section, as floating options, just as the buttons above the signature line does. The Total Rating given by the public, is displayed in the top-right of the "Profile for Member #" bar. All ratings are in graphical stars now. And the hover-over tells how many public rates were given to get that total star-score.
The Member Profile page has been greatly improved from 7.5.x series. It's packed full of information, and I believe it is not too busy to be overwhelming.
2016-08-23 - Catching up to a list of reported issues from JAISP
Originally Posted by JAISP
In the Control Panel there are many clickable links throughout that when you click on the title or name it sends you to the corresponding box, radio button, check box, or drop down related to that function.
The following are not working either at all or properly.
» Control Panel » DB, Paths & URLs » Paths & URLs Tab Full URL to Main Directory - Not working
admin/paths_db • Fixed "Full URL to Main Directory" • Fixed "Path to Mogrify"
Originally Posted by JAISP
» Control Panel » Display Settings » Primary Tab Privacy Statement URL - Refers to the Privacy Statement Link selection box Community Introduction Title - Refers to the Community Introduction Body input
» Control Panel » Payments Display Currency Amounts In - Not working
I think this was fixed way back when you first reported it. Thanks!
Originally Posted by JAISP
» Control Panel » Portal Settings Exclude Popular Topics In These Forums - Not working
admin/portal_settings • Fixed "Exclude Popular Topics In These Forums" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Forum Stats" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Who's Online" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Popular Topics" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Public Calendar" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Top Posters (All Time)" • Fixed "Portal Cache Settings - Top Posters (30 Days)"
Originally Posted by JAISP
» Control Panel » Permission Checks gallery/index.html/full - Not expanding (Not sure this is an actual bug) gallery/index.html/medium - Not expanding (Not sure this is an actual bug) gallery/index.html/thumbs - Not expanding (Not sure this is an actual bug)
admin/fileperms • Control Panel > Permission Checks -This page now alphabetically sorts the initial directories. Directories with a single index.html file within them, are interpreted correctly. The report for each directory has a cleaner presentation by including column headers and bolding the "Directory Check" item. Note: The sorting of the file listing within each directory check may seem like its displayed within no particular order. This sequence is actually based on file placement on your server's drive.
Huge thanks to JAISP for catching these and reporting them!
Changelog 2016-08-24 • ShowProfile -Now displays a calculated "Posts Per Day." • ShowProfile -Fixed the Group Images (Profile Badges) display when a user has more than one Group Image. • ShowProfile -The User Rating drop-down section is now hidden from unregistered users. Registered users cannot rate themselves, so no rating options will be shown while viewing their own profiles either. • ShowProfile -User Rating drop-down lists now defaults to a blank rating when nothing is selected. It previously defaulted to just "1 Star." This drop-down list is also now sorted in a natural descending order.
The Member Rating selector is found right under the "About" section, as floating options, just as the buttons above the signature line does. The Total Rating given by the public, is displayed in the top-right of the "Profile for Member #" bar. All ratings are in graphical stars now. And the hover-over tells how many public rates were given to get that total star-score.
The Member Profile page has been greatly improved from 7.5.x series. It's packed full of information, and I believe it is not too busy to be overwhelming.
ShowProfile -Now displays a calculated "Posts Per Day." IMO this gives the impression the user is never here, so a new member can out do there stats in 24hrs. I think it should reflect a 30 day or 7 day period, at least it would give the impression that im currently active. I'm guessing if i left the forums for 6 months and come back i would be growing zeros 0.001 posts. . .. . Sorry i'm all for promoting positive numbers to show activity on a forum.
User Rating is opening an old wound.... You rate someone 1 this week because of a misunderstanding and a fall out, and then you kiss and make up but you can not update your rating. The ratings only seem to work for topics in my experience.
ShowProfile -Now displays a calculated "Posts Per Day." IMO this gives the impression the user is never here, so a new member can out do there stats in 24hrs. I think it should reflect a 30 day or 7 day period, at least it would give the impression that im currently active. I'm guessing if i left the forums for 6 months and come back i would be growing zeros 0.001 posts. . .. . Sorry i'm all for promoting positive numbers to show activity on a forum.
I like this idea a lot! I'll put some simple math together to provide a 30-day count. If the user account is newer than 30 days old, they will get a "NA" rating. If the user has barely posted in 30 days, their "Posts Per Day" number will slowly approach zero until they are at 30 days. Then it will be 0. And finally; If they havent logged in within 30 days to post, the number will read as "NA". Again, this count will all be based on posts within the past 30 days.
Originally Posted by Mark_S
User Rating is opening an old wound.... You rate someone 1 this week because of a misunderstanding and a fall out, and then you kiss and make up but you can not update your rating. The ratings only seem to work for topics in my experience.
I can totally see your point. The current Member Rating system is setup like a voting system. Where instead, it should be set up as something that can either go up or down... Ratings
I'll get in there and produce some code to allow updating of a previously rated user.
If you have additional views on these solutions, I'm all for working them out together.
Always good stuff from you, Mark. Thanks!
Last edited by id242; 08/24/20161:18 PM. Reason: updated post-per-day solution
I didn't expect positive feedback back about the posts and ratings. But glad you left the door open and not closed it
Member Ratings IMO the rating should always be current, about the person this month or so. After a think about it allowing a member rating to be valid for 30 days. This will get members thinking that what they rate has a value of 30 days, provoking a need to think about that rating.
So let's say ratings are removed after 30 Days, eventually an inactive users ratings would chip away to no current ratings within 30 days. This is where I think a Default rating for an unrated or un weighted member should be at least 3 Stars.
The quickest member to hit 1 star is admin. . . Members hate the decisions we have to make. I love to see positive people rewarded with the right ratings to reflect it.
Member Ratings do carry the weight to win and loose members. Its horrible if someone rates you 1 out of spite. Its a powerful tool, it has to be right.
Personally I would scrap the ratings to a simple likes. Not showing dislikes, but only positive likes. You like some one or you don't. Again with the 30 day trimming / pruning.
You could create +likes?? Alongside likes. If you reach a target likes in 30 days. You qualify and gain a +like that can not be taken away. I'm so against promoting negatively within a forum.
Just bouncing ideas, and getting carried away. Food for thought.
I agree with Mark on the rating system and I can not go into detail on my thoughts on it however I allow the rating system on my site as it is there and some users like it, however I was reluctant to use it at all because if some of the views he has stated.
Also the administrator should be able to see who gave what rating to whom regardless of the rating when he views the profile page for that user.
So if I was the admin here and viewed say my profile it would show the rating and who rated and what they rated. The users themselves would only see the result of the rating.
Also the administrator should be able to see who gave what rating to whom regardless of the rating hen he views the profile page for that user.
I'll look in to how something like this may be placed in to the User Editor. We're trying not to clutter up the ShowMember page.
A user may have 500 ratings if their posts are helpful or they are a good seller in your forums. A listing of 500 names and ratings would be overwhelming for that page... or any page.
The goal is to be feature-complete, while also attempting to be a light-weight forum solution.
Again, We'll further look in to exactly how the system is setup, and then take it from there. You guys have creative ideas!
Rate this member is about wanting to know if you can trust this person.... Has this person been helpful? Why do i want to rate this member ? So that bit is all about thank you and reward.
I think i'm onto something in my mind now. . . .
Ok follow me on this one.... Rate a member its a like or not, forget the 1-5 stars you want to thank them or not. The member accumulates likes per month. And the top figure sticks. So at the end of the month, likes are reset, but they now have a Max likes in one month achievement. If they want to beat that target they have to be nicer or more helpful.
Allowing for a bad month. It does not impact on your 10yrs of service.
So you could have thus. Life time of likes. 1,500 Most Likes in a month. 63 This months likes. 22
So you you can then make your mind up if that user is likeable or trustworthy as you now have a history current, best and life.
From there you can pull Forum stats about who is the most liked. Who is the most helpful this month.
We are all human, and if you end up with a fixed low rating (Current system) it disheartens you and you leave. Giving yourself the ability to make amends and shine is a much better way to motivate members.
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