## snapshot - 2020-10-04This snapshot contains updated features and maintenance items
### Changed- CP: Columns within Approve Posts are now zebra-striped, have hover-over row highlighting, and columns are now sortable.
- CP: Approve Posts now displays the post's date and a truncated preview of the post. This is in addition to linking directly to the post awaiting approval.
- Updated Robots (Crawlers) list from 20200114 to build 20200924.
- Updated the included UBBT77 styles.
### Fixed- Fixed special HTML character display in subject line of forum Emails.
- Fixed blank posts when the post contains unknown Unicode characters.
- Minor HTML validation fixes.
### Removed- Custom tag for Flash Video Embedding has been removed. Forums with this custom tag enabled will continue to function, though because it is EOL, we encourage that you remove or disable it (Control Panel > Content Rebuilder > Custom Tag Editor).