I want to make all of my users revert back to the titles I have specified in the control panel. For a while I was allowing custom titles, but that feature is now gone, so I want everyone to be put back to the defaults. How can I do that?
Admin -> Edit Titles -> Check this box if you want to update existing users with these new titles.

Assuming that option is still there :-)
No it's not - I don't know the answer to it - I remember it being reported as a bug somewhere a while ago, don't know if it was forgotten or if it's hidden.

Just upgraded http://leovilletownsquare.com and had no problems. And I went through every option in the control panel, to make sure I did every new setting. Didn't see anything about updating titles.
Yeah it's admin\edittitles.php & admin\doedittitles.php over here.

Perhaps this section could be useful for manually doing a query?

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />// If they checked the update box, then we need to update the user titles<br />   if ($doupdate) {<br />      for ( $i=1; $i<= 20; $i++) {<br />         $thisnumber = "number$i";<br />         $thistitle = "title$i";<br />         $next = $i+1;<br />         $nextnumber = "number$next";<br />         $clause="";<br />         if ($i ==1) {<br />            $clause = "WHERE U_TotalPosts < $HTTP_POST_VARS[$nextnumber]";<br />         }<br />         elseif (!$HTTP_POST_VARS[$thisnumber]) { continue; }<br />         else {<br />            $clause = "WHERE U_TotalPosts >= $HTTP_POST_VARS[$thisnumber] AND U_TotalPosts < $HTTP_POST_VARS[$nextnumber]";<br />         }<br />         if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS[$nextnumber]) {<br />            $clause = "WHERE U_TotalPosts >= $HTTP_POST_VARS[$thisnumber]";<br />         }<br /><br />         $updatedtitle = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$thistitle];<br />         $query = "<br />            UPDATE {$config['tbprefix']}Users <br />            SET    U_Title = '$updatedtitle'<br />            $clause<br />         ";<br />         $dbh -> do_query($query);<br />      }<br /><br />   }  
I'm sure a query could be made to do what I'm looking for, but I'm no coder
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