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UBB.threads System Requirements Test - 20240901

Title: UBB.threads System Requirements Test
Release: 20240901
Author: Written for UBB.threads by James Corthell, VNC Web Services
Demo: UBBWiki, UBBDevelopers
Documentation: UBB.threads System Requirements Test
Support: UBB.Developers: UBB.threads System Requirements Test

Developer Notes

Added: New code to check for the existence of ImageMagick on the server
Added: Now displaying the PHP max_file_uploads setting
Change: Shortened code syntax
Change: Migrated code chunks for cleaner code
Change: Increased minimums/maximums
Change: Now linking to only HTTPs sites vs their HTTP URLs
Change: No longer linking to the URL as the URL was dropped in favor of continuing the project at
Fix: Fixed several PHP8 errors

Author: James Corthell (Gremelin)
Download: here (This file is hosted on our server)
Downloaded: 3 Times
Size: 19.22 Kb
MD5: 2984984dfef613bad9a08866387a89a2
SHA1: fa99a71e28400b3512933240f8d0100c03d6e761
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 1st, 2024
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