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6 Entries
The 20 Latest FAQHosting UBB.threads on an Intranet or Private Network · An inquiry was recently made at UBBCentral regarding hosting UBB.threads on a private network (intranet) with no access to the internet; basically asking if any UBB.threads features would be unavailable for them. UBB.threads uses several APIs for var…
Beta Tester Expectations and Information · Basic Information Beta release software, just like your licensed software, is not public coding; anyone sharing pre-release software to users outside the beta group will be immediately removed from the beta group. The beta program is not public, we w…
Bug Reporting Guidelines · When providing a Bug Report, please include the following information: Required (if relevant) What version are you running? (Ex: v7.6.0 - Snapshot 20160704) What is the problem? (Ex: The time is wrong, it's showing as XX.XX.XXXX XX:XX XX) What was yo…
How do I move a post? · Under each posting you'll see an edit link; click on that and on the next page you'll see a move this post and it's replies button, click that and choose the new forum for the posting.
How do I move a thread? · On the thread you'll have several buttons above the first post, the third of which is Manage Topic, under this button there is a Move / Merge this Topic link; once you click this you'll have options to move the topic to a new destination.
What BBCode do the submission systems support? · The content submission systems on the site support the following BBCode (note that this list differs from what the Forum is capable of parsing; all of the coding that can parse can be found in the FAQ on the forum); please note that there is no space…
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