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Okay, I've noticed another symptom. When a new post is entered it returns the following error:
Warning: main(mambointegration.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wwwtsbiu/public_html/iBASE/addpost.php on line 153

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'mambointegration.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/wwwtsbiu/public_html/iBASE/addpost.php on line 153

It enters the post just fine, but that error is displayed on the post entered screen every time. I have no idea why it is returning that error.

Gardner, I know that I must be really annoying by now, but if you'd be interested, I would be willing to pay you to straighten out our integration, if you can resolve the Login_incorrect error that we keep getting.

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It sounds like you haven't uploaded the file mambointegration.php to your UBB.threads directory. Either that, or that it has the wrong permissions set.

As for the login problem, could you try to make to following changes to classes/mambo.php

Find this code:
<br />if ( $bad == "yes" ) {<br />	echo "<script>alert(\""._LOGIN_INCORRECT."\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";<br />	exit();<br />}<br />

Replace it with this:
<br />if ( $bad == "yes" ) {<br />	if ( isset($bypost) ) {<br />		echo "<script>alert(\""._LOGIN_INCORRECT."\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";<br />	} else {<br />		$this->logout();<br />		mosRedirect("index.php");<br />	}<br />	exit();<br />}<br />

That might do the trick, hopefully.

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I was missing that file. Thanks for the quick response. I have tried you're snippet, I will see if it works.

Thanks again.

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Since applying the above patch, I have not encountered the _Login_Incorrect message a single time. I do occasionally get logged out, but not nearly as often as I was getting the error.

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That's good news. I'll soon get a new version out which has this fix along with some other changes as well.

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Is there a way to disable the comments system?

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Yes, just remove the file mambots/threadsbot.php

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Thanks, that did the trick.

When I use the Forgot password option, it sends out a password that doesn't work and displays the following error:
tal error: Call to undefined function: sqtquery() in /home/wwwtsbiu/public_html/components/com_threadsintegration/threadsintegration.php on line 113

Any idea why that is happening?

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Gardner, do you know if there will be any problem(i.e. will it break the integration) if I upgrade to 4.5.1a?


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Thanks, that did the trick.

When I use the Forgot password option, it sends out a password that doesn't work and displays the following error:
tal error: Call to undefined function: sqtquery() in /home/wwwtsbiu/public_html/components/com_threadsintegration/threadsintegration.php on line 113

Any idea why that is happening?[/]

Seems that I've misspelled setquery. Try changing "sqtquery" on line 113 in the mentioned file to "setquery" instead.

[]Gardner, do you know if there will be any problem(i.e. will it break the integration) if I upgrade to 4.5.1a?[/]

No, it will not work. There have been some changes that I beleive will affect the integration. I would recommend not to upgrade until I've had the time to fully test the integration with Mambo 4.5.1.

I have several components that needs to be updated and I'm slowly working my way through them.

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Okay, I made that change, now when I use the request password screen it takes me to a page with this:

SQL errorDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'wwwtsbiu_abracket.Users' doesn't exist SQL= UPDATE Users SET U_Password = 'fdd3e4e464211b01567c93571860f45b' WHERE U_Number = ''

SET U_Password = 'fdd3e4e464211b01567c93571860f45b'
WHERE U_Number = ''

It doesn't seem to be picking up the table prefix for some reason. And of coarse, the password that it sends doesn't work.

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I've missed adding the threads configuration array to the function. A couple of lines above the last change (around line 56) you should change the following lines:

function sendNewPass( $option ) {<br />	global $database, $Itemid;<br />	global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sitename;<br />	global $w3tuser;<br />

To this:
function sendNewPass( $option ) {<br />	global $database, $Itemid;<br />	global $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_sitename;<br />	global $w3tuser, $w3tconfig;<br />

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Thanks for that patch, but it is still not working properly. You can now request the password without getting the error, but the password that it sends does not work. You get the following error in an ok box:
Incorrect username or password. Please try again.

If I use the old password it will let me log in.

Thanks for the help,

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If I uninstall the integration, will it rip apart the databases, or will all of the users still be in both databases?

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Anyone had any luck with integrating UBBT6.5?

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I am trying to install UBB threadintegration as component on Mambo 4.5.1

I get the following error during install process:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: mosinstallermodule in /home/ac2/public_html/portal/administrator/components/com_threadsintegration/install.threadsintegration.php on line 60

What please can I do to solve this problem?

Also I must note that my Mambo 4.51 installation has no "classes" directory. mambo.php resides in "includes".

Thank you much in advance.

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Can I also use this mod for 6.5 ?

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What is the best way of seperating my Mambo and UBB Threads installs.

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any word on whether Mambo 4.5.1 can integrate with Ubbt 6.5 yet?

Not to be repetitive, but I haven't yet seen an answer

Either way, we could always just link the forum up to Mambo, but i'd much rather have the username/pass the same - makes it easier for our users.

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This will under no circumstances work under any other Mambo version than the one stated. Mambo 4.5.1 has (yet again) changed it's internal structure, so 4.5.1/4.5.2 will not work at all.

I don't have the time to update this at the moment, even though I don't think it should be very hard. I'll try to look at it sometime in April. If someone has some PHP hacking abilities and would like to give it a try I know more or less what needs to be done and can give instructions.

As for removing, just uninstalling the component should do it. If the file classes/mambo.php isn't replaced with the normal version you can just copy the file classes/mambo-orig.php over the classes/mambo.php. You will also need to follow the modification instructions backwards to remove the code changes that's been done on UBB.threads.

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Thanks for the info on uninstalling. I wanted to make sure that that was the proper way to go about it.

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After I uninstalled the integration and restored my original mambo.php. My 'registered users only' items don't show up. Whether I'm logged in as a standard user, an administrator, or not logged in at all, I see the same thing. Except that when I'm not logged in I don't see the user menu. Do you have any idea what I need to do to correct this?


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You didn't have this problem before you uninstalled the threadsintegration? Is it the same for all users? Did you use the "Merge User Databases" functionality when you installed the system? Can you log in to the Administrator? Are your uses showing up in the User list in the Mambo Administrator? Have you tried clearing all cookies before logging in again?

Uninstalling does absolutely nothing with the Mambo database, so it seems odd that the behavior should change.

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No, I didn't have this problem before the uninstall. Yes it is the same for all users regardless of user type. I did use the "Merge User Databases" when I installed it. Yes, I can still log in to the Administrator by going to the url for it. Yes, the users are showing up the user list, including the new user that I signed up for testing purposes. I have tried clearing all cookies, but it didn't have any effect.

Before I uninstalled I could see the Menu items. After the uninstall, I still had the items visible until I clicked on a link which reloaded the page.

If I set the "Show UnAuthorized Links:" option to yes, the links show up, but they show up for non registered users as well. As it is now, registered users can only see public items, except that they can see the User Menu.

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The script to Merge User Databases has a bug in it which means not all needed access control levels are set for the imported users. This would have been apparent before the uninstall though, and would only apply to the users imported from UBB.threads to Mambo. I'm attaching a script that hopefully can fix these which you might try, but you must do a database backup first. There are some database configuration options at the top of the script. But before you try it I'd like you to give me the information below:

Which Mambo version are you using? Could you send me a copy of your current mambo.php file so that I can have a look at it and see if the problem is with that script.

The result of these database queries might also help:
SELECT id, username, usertype, gid, block FROM mos_users ORDER BY id LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map ORDER BY aro_id LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM mos_core_acl_aro ORDER BY aro_id LIMIT 10;
125963-fixaromaps.txt (0 Bytes, 96 downloads)

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Mambo Open Source Version: 4.5 Stable-1.0.9 [Spider] 28/06/2004 16:51 GMT
I have attached the current mambo.php as mambo.txt

SELECT id, username, usertype, gid, block FROM mos_users ORDER BY id LIMIT 10;
62 admin superadministrator 25 0
63 iBASE superadministrator 25 0
64 Iceman administrator 25 0
65 bwilliams user 18 0
66 tbrackett administrator 25 0
67 REaston user 18 0
68 BDarr user 18 0
69 TBaade user 18 0
70 TAtchley user 18 0
71 BSundaram user 18 0

SELECT * FROM mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map ORDER BY aro_id LIMIT 10;
25 10
25 11
25 12
18 13
25 14
18 15
18 16
18 17
18 18
18 19

SELECT * FROM mos_core_acl_aro ORDER BY aro_id LIMIT 10;
10 users 62 0 Administrator 0
11 users 63 0 iBASE 0
12 users 64 0 Jeff Rhodman 0
13 users 65 0 Beth Williams 0
14 users 66 0 Tony Brackett 0
15 users 67 0 Richard Easton 0
16 users 68 0 BDarr 0
17 users 69 0 Tammy Baade 0
18 users 70 0 Tamara Atchley 0
19 users 71 0 Bala Sundaram 0

Thanks for your help.
125965-mambo.txt (0 Bytes, 108 downloads)

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Everything looks perfectly fine, I can't see why it wouldn't work.

Make sure you are using the original Mambo login module.

I would probably need to do some debugging directly on your site to find out what the cause of the problem is.

I've done a small module that you can install though and then tell me what the output from it is with different users logged in. Just install the attached zip as a Mambo module and publish "Internal User Info" module and check it from the frontpage.

Edit: I've updated the script to fix a small bug.
125967-fixaromaps.txt (0 Bytes, 61 downloads)

Last edited by Gardener; 03/10/2005 4:31 PM.
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As far as I can tell, I'm using the original login module.

I'll PM you the login info, I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look.

User: Iceman
Userid: 64
Usertype: Super Administrator
Gid: 2

User: admin
Userid: 62
Usertype: Super Administrator
Gid: 2

User: jrhodman
Userid: 73
Usertype: Registered
Gid: 1

User: tus
Userid: 157
Usertype: Registered
Gid: 1

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I'm getting stumped... The scripts seem to be perfectly fine, the user database seem to be intact, and the user information is loaded correctly. I can't think of any reason why this wouldn't work. The "gid" value is what is used to check if the user is logged in and if they are a normal user or an admin.

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Should I try running the DB repair script that you attached above? I held off because you said that you wanted to see the results of those other queries first.

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I guess you could, but it didn't look like you needed it. It wouldn't hurt though, if it works properly it will fix any users that were imported to Mambo from UBB.threads. But that's not really the problem you're having so I don't think it will help. Remember to take a backup of the database first, and I guess you could post the output of the script as well.

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When I ran that file from my root directory, it returned the following:

Export users from vBulletin 2.2.x to Mambo 4.5
Error on query: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' FROM mos_users AS u LEFT OUTER JOIN `mos_core_acl_a

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I've updated the script with a fix for that bug and replaced the old attachment. But I had a look at your user table and it doesn't seem like you need to use it. You didn't have any users in the UBB.threads database when you did the merge, right?

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All of my users came from the UBB.threads database except for the user 'admin' that was created as part of the Mambo install.

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That's odd, maybe the merger script works better than I thought it did. =]

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darn! oh well...I wish i could help you hack it Gardener, but i'm just a little ol' newbie!

I'll keep a lookout (as I know others will be too) that someone will be able to help you out and we'll find a solution to this so we don't have to switch over to vbulletin or simpleforum (whatever that one is called).

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Hopefully I will be able to look at it sometime in April but I can't say anything for sure.

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