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UBB.Contact · Wiki

What Is Covered

About the Modification
File Listing
Install Instructions
Usage Instructions



UBB.Contact has been developed to provide a method for users to contact the site admin from a page within the UBB.threads system. Development by James Corthell (Gizmo/Gremelin) of VNC Web Services.


About the Modification

Requirements: UBB.threads 7.x (not compatible with UBB.threads 6.x or below)
Current Build: 20211120
License Information: This script is not freeware, it requires a license; by purchasing a license you're granted usage on 1 (one) UBB.threads installation. Any additional installations require an additional license. Updates are available for 1 year after initial purchase; after this timeframe, to aid in development costs, you must renew your access to updates (see the purchase link below for further information). You cannot freely provide this script to others without written permission from the author.
Pricing: $50 (Purchase Here)
Support: Support is available on the UBBDev thread UBB.Contact.



 20211120 (November 20th, 2021)
• New: Messages are now logged to the UBB.threads Admin Log
• New: Additional padding added to the variable listing
• Change: Now utilizing the UBB.threads Mailer to process messages, which will allow you to specify SMTP Authentication or use an MTA via your UBB.threads settings versus hardcoding information in the script.
• Change: Reformatted the message display so that it looks better in the UBB.threads mailer wrapper
• Change: Code has been optimized and is easier to follow

 20181119 (v0.2; November 19th 2018)
• New: reCAPTCHA Support
• New: Header/Footer content areas added
• New: Subject field added
• New: HTML5 placeholders added
• New: Stop Forum Spam Support added
• New: PHPMailer Support vs utilizing system mail()
• Change: User IP Address now display as a link to Domain Tools
• Change: Messages are now formatted with HTML by default for display

 20090824 (v0.1; August 24th, 2009)
• Initial Release



A Gardeners Forum


Install Instructions

Upload all of the files to your forum directory (preserving the directory structure). Chmod the /languages/english/contact.php file 666 so that the language editor can edit the file.

Customize any changes in the /languages/english/contact.php file either directly or through the UBB.threads language editor if the file has been chmodded 666.

To add a link to the header
Edit the /languages/english/generic.php file:
$ubbt_lang['ACTIVE_TOPICS'] = "Active Threads";

Add Below:
$ubbt_lang['CONTACT_TEXT'] = "Contact";

Edit the /templates/default/header.tpl file:
<span class="navpage"><a href="{ubb url="ubb=activetopics&range=30&type=t"}">{$lang.ACTIVE_TOPICS}</a></span>

Add Below:
<span class="navpage"><a href="{ubb url="ubb=contact"}">{$lang.CONTACT_TEXT}</a></span>

To add a link to the footer
UBB.threads natively has a "Contact Link" input box at: Control Panel -> Display -> General -> General Tab -> General Settings -> Contact URL


Usage Instructions

Access the contact system at one of the following URLs - Spider Friendly URLs with .html extension - Spider Friendly URLs - Non-Spider Friendly URLs



Within /languages/english/contact.php you'll find the follwing settings (the rest of the file is language strings):
$ubbt_lang["TO"] = ""; // This is your email address where the message will be sent, by default we utilize the configured "Forum Email Address" (Control Panel -> Display -> General -> General Tab -> General Settings -> "Forum Email Address". (Ex: [email protected])
$ubbt_lang["CAP_KEY_PRIV"] = ""; // Your reCAPTCHA Private Key (
$ubbt_lang["CAP_KEY_PUB"] = ""; // Your reCAPTCHA Public Key
$ubbt_lang["HEAD_LEAD"] = "Contact Information"; // This is the heading of the "Contact Information" message at the top of the page.
$ubbt_lang["HEAD_FOOT"] = "Further Information"; // This is the heading of the "Further Information" message at the bottom of the page.
$ubbt_lang["MESS_LEAD"] = "This generates the "Contact Information" bar."; // This populates the "Contact Information" message at the top of the page.
$ubbt_lang["MESS_FOOT"] = "This generates the "Further Information" bar."; // This populates the "Further Information" message at the bottom of the page.


What does purchasing a license entitle me to?

By purchasing a license to the UBB.Contact modification you're entitled to lifetime support of the script for the lifetime period of the script. You also receive access to a year of updates for free. After the year period; updates are purchased in blocks of 1 year for $75/yr to cover development costs. Please note that you are entitled to install this script on ONE domain per license; additional domains will require additional licenses.

The UBB.Contact modification is not freeware, it is licenseware; a separate license is required for every unique instance of the script that exists on your server.

Posted By Gremelin Posted on November 17th, 2021
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Comments and Attributions

v0.1 of this script is freeware and still works with modern forums, without all of the added features.


( Posted)