Mod Name / Version: UbbThreads and Photopost Total Integration Version 4

Description: This mod is for the new Photopost 4.1-4.5. This mod makes use of the UBBThreads header and stylesheet for a total integration of Photopost within your UbbThreads environment.

Working Under: UBB.Threads 6.2-6.3-6.4

Mod Status: Finished

Any pre-requisites: UBBThreads and Photopost License

Author(s): Omegatron

Date: 07/24/03

Credits: JoshPet for a huge cudo's on header function

Files Altered: adm-inc.php and pp-inc.php as well as every template within Photopost.

New Files: None

Database Altered: N/A

Info/Instructions: Backup your files before modifing!!!!!

Follow the instruction text within the zip and upload all modified files.

Disclaimer: Please backup every file that you intend to modify.
If the modification modifies the database, it's a good idea to backup your database before doing so.

Note: If you modify your UBB.Threads code, you may be giving up your right for "official" support from Infopop.If you need official support, you'll need to restore unmodified files.

[:"blue"]UPDATED includes both a set of templates for 4.1 , 4.5 and 4.6[/]

Attached File
Hi Omega,
I'm here for two reasons, the first one is to thank you one more time, the second to let you notice that you forgot a littlebit of your own website links in the feature.tmpl file (a few lines with: http://www.reeftalk.com/ubbthreads/stylesheets/images/spacer.gif)

Thanx Yes forgot if to add the fact that if you use TABLEWRAPPERS that file for whatever reason will not recognize the tbopen and tbclose variables so I hard code defined them there.

Thanx I updated the zip with a new template file for that one so just the style is carried over. Tablewrappers are a whole separate issue.

I updated the instructions if you include table wrappers there is now a separate file called feature-wrappers.tmpl that you fill in your own variables for them and rename it to feature.tmpl

Also updated a few templates all are updated and included.
I have looked at a number of Photopost-UBBT sites and have not seen one where the gallery shows up in the Category or Forum list on the Main Index. I wonder if it is possible to have such a setup so that when members logon and go to the index page they can be alerted of new additions to the photo gallery via the light bulb feature. At present I am using a separate forum for member pictures and each new edition naturally shows up as a new post, alerting members to take a look if so inclined. This separate forum idea produces a poor gallery because of image formatting problems and other limitations. Is there anyway with a photopost integration to notify folks of new pictures?


Have you looked at my site? http://www.reeftalk.com

The Photopost forums are on the same page as the main index.

This is the hack you want


This will place Photopost on the main index and the hack in this thread gives Photopost the Threads stylesheet and headers etc.
That is excellent. Thank you. Actually I tried several times earlier today to look at your site but could not get it to come up. I have noticed your signature picture here and looked over your site in the past with appreciation of it's color and eye appeal. Somehow I must have missed the photopost setup at the bottom.
No Problem Hope you get things working how you want them.

If you like that stylesheet that much I have it posted here.


That was posted a while back and does not have the gradient image I use posted but if you want that just ask me.
Photopost 4.1 is in a stable BETA3 available to the public and should be final in the near future at some point. Some templates in the original mod were updated slightly from BETA1 so if you have downloaded the original and want to upgrade from BETA1 make sure to download and hit everything with the new files.

Thanks for this.

But I am getting several errors, both with this, and the standard photopost release.

They are the same 'problems' but I can't see why I am getting them and no one else.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge of PHP can throw some light on the problem.

The problems I have right now is....

Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice in /path/to/my/copy/pp-inc.php on line 167

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /path/to/my/copy/templates/indexhead.tmpl on line 27

Previously before editing the PP code I had the following errors...

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /path/to/my/copy/adm-options.php on line 200
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /path/to/my/copy/adm-modcom.php on line 94

Both had a <br /> that would only work when I altered it to <br> or <br \/>

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /path/to/my/copy/adm-order.php on line 74

This was chocking on a on line 86

I mentioned it in the PP forums, and Michael said I didn't need to do any of that and perhaps it was my copy of PHP.

I am also getting a ...

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted at (null):0 (tried to allocate 8640 bytes) in /path/to/my/copy/image-inc.php on line 83

(as You can see I have upped it to 16M the memory size, and given a timout of 120 seconds - but despite using a 8kb jpg image, it still fails to upload.)

Whenever I try and upload - I am not sure if this is a PP problem, PHP problem or what.

I have no problems uploading images to threads on the same server.

I am going to try 4.0.1 on this server, to see if that still has problems - but I thought I would post in this thread incase you or anyone else had any thoughts.

Finally on your templates - would it be possible to not have the headers and footers from threads appearing in the admin section right hand window.

..... goes off to try 4.0.1.....

None of that I have ever seen Ian. This has to be some sorta PHP thing. You don't have compression on twice in both threads and Photopost?? If so turn off compressioin in Photopost.

Yes to make the header go from the admin right screen just include adm-main.php in the global call to dissallow headers like this

if ( basename($GLOBALS['SCRIPT_NAME']) != "adm-index.php" && basename($GLOBALS['SCRIPT_NAME']) != "adm-menu.php"&& basename($GLOBALS['SCRIPT_NAME']) != "adm-main.php" ){

I double checked the code in pp-inc and your error is coming from having compression on it looks like. In your admin section in Photopost turn it off.
Chuck is this good for the final release of 4.1, now that it has been released?
This is what I run on 4.1
Okay - great - it was just that there were a few template changes in the final version - and wasn't sure if these had been added to the templates in this release. (of course the changes may have been to parts of the code that you have replaced anyway) I do not have a master copy of the templates from the betas to compare to see what changes Michael made to the final version.
I would just do a beyond compare. You do not even need to use any of my templates if you do not use tablewrappers EXCEPT ONE. MENUBAR If you use tablewrappers you need to use all of mine.
Photopost Pro 4.1.1 was just released. With this hack already in place with 4.1.0 on my site, should I upgrade to the new one but NOT upload the 4.1.1 templates?

You can use beyond compare to compare the changes into the templates and upload the rest
The hack should work without any changes; the .0 to .1 is jsut a few bug fixes and doesnt effect the database.

I have a new integration that is being documented for Threads/PhotoPost which is much faster and uses only a couple queries.
As Michael states this will work with 4.1.1. All this does is disable Photopost's stylsheet calls and send the threads header so your Photopost install will look like Threads

Just a little trick I came up with.

Now Michael has an updated template for the UBBTHREADS MAIN INDEX that will be out shortly which will integrate Photopost on your main page as well

For a good look at what each hack does you can visit my site


Now if you hit Photo Gallery you will see what this hack does

If you hit Main Index you will see the photo galleries as part of my forums. That is what the Main Index hack does.

Have I told you lately that you have one AWESOME looking site !!! Everything matches so perfectly !!!
I hope this Main Index template that Michael is working on is actually two: A new ubbthreads.tmpl file and a new categories.tmpl (because I like categories as my default for me and on my site)

BTW, I just upgraded to 4.1.2 from 4.0.1, and everything is beautiful
I just installed this today on a fresh 4.1.2. Looks pretty good, but I get this when trying to logout:

<br />Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/ubbthreads/templates/default/ubbt_header.tmpl:18) in /path/gallery/forums/threads.php on line 213<br /><br />Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/ubbthreads/templates/default/ubbt_header.tmpl:18) in /path/gallery/forums/threads.php on line 214<br /><br />Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/ubbthreads/templates/default/ubbt_header.tmpl:18) in /path/gallery/forums/threads.php on line 215<br /><br />Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/ubbthreads/templates/default/ubbt_header.tmpl:18) in /path/gallery/forums/threads.php on line 216<br />// <br /><br />Logging out! Please wait.<br /><br />

Any idea what may be happening?
ok, removed this and the errors disappeared. Not sure what the prob might be. smirk
Did you check for a stray ascaii character being pasted over That error is usually assoiated with that error.

I have seen in and it only happens on that logout page on some sites.

Could be a PHP setting as well. I double checked my site and it does not happen.
> /path/ubbthreads/templates/default/ubbt_header.tmpl:18

You must have a stray line or something causing some output at line 18 in ubbt_header.tmpl
Are there plans to modify the Threads end of this integration so that people in the photo galleries properly showup in the Who's Online screeen? Currently, if a user is online, but in the photo gallery, they are listed as "Private" being their location on the site.

I forgot to mention: when I'm in the photo galleries and I'm not signed in, the "Register" link in the PhotoPost header takes me to the Threads registration page. However clicking on Login takes me to the Photopost login page. That's not the problem. The problem is that when I try to login from that page (the PP login page), my username isn't found. Why is that? Can it be fixed? Or better yet, how do I make the link for Login on the PP header go to the Threads login page?
It does that now I believe... you just need to add the language strings to the online.php language file for the photopost scripts.

Add this to your online.php language file

$ubbt_lang['bulkupload'] = "Uploading a bunch of photos to the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['showphoto'] = "Viewing a photo in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['comments'] = "Commenting on a photo in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['slideshow'] = "Viewing a slide show in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['uploadphoto'] = "Uploading a photo to the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['showgallery'] = "Viewing a Photo Gallery";
[]Omegatron said:
Add this to your online.php language file

$ubbt_lang['bulkupload'] = "Uploading a bunch of photos to the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['showphoto'] = "Viewing a photo in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['comments'] = "Commenting on a photo in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['slideshow'] = "Viewing a slide show in the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['uploadphoto'] = "Uploading a photo to the Gallery";
$ubbt_lang['showgallery'] = "Viewing a Photo Gallery";
Thank you, Omegatron!
[]Omegatron said:
Did you check for a stray ascaii character being pasted over That error is usually assoiated with that error.

I have seen in and it only happens on that logout page on some sites.

Could be a PHP setting as well. I double checked my site and it does not happen.

I have another client this is working for. I downloaded the files I used there, changed the paths and uploaded to this other site and am getting the same error again
it's printing the header twice

prints it twice here too:
here too:


When you say double headers.... you mean the top of the page? I'm not seeing that at any of those sites.
do a 'view source', you'll see 2 sets of code starting with:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

it prints the threads header first and the photopost header second.

Allen - if you are including the Threads header with "send_header" you can remove the header from the pp-inc.php file.

Do a search in that file for <html>
there are two cases where the HTML for a header is generated in the printheader function.

make sure both of those are emptied out.
will do, thanks

the instructions for this mod needs to be updated with that info... everyone is running it with 2 headers
arghhh... it still gives me an error trying to log out or in (using another browser).
I do not see two headers on any of those sites but I see what you are getting at. Although the easy thing is to do one of two things. Remove the Threads header statement as Josh said and you will need to manually enter the proper header info. Or make the Photopost header comments empty which will effect slideshows.

It doesn't print 2 header.php's, it does print 2 sets of:


Wouldn't it be better for this modification to add the correct threads code into the current photopost code instead of choosing between the 2 or using both? The instructions are already having us replace that exact code in pp-inc.php. Maybe commenting out the send_header line or something would come close to fixing it.
Yes just pulling the existing stylesheet with out headers would fix that. A few extra steps but easy to do. I will document it.
Thank you Chuck

I've wrassled with this the last few days without any luck. Apparently it's his server setup, but calling the header twice (thread's send_header + photopost's header) wasn't allowing anyone to log in or out
Well you do not have to login or out as the login is automatic.

Yeah I have only seen the login problem with a few servers.

Now I wrestled with this some with no luck with just calling the stylesheet it makes things hang. Now that I remember this is WHY I simply wrap photopost with Threads. In the beginning I removed all the header for Photopost which made things validate and work just fine. I added back in the header stuff and just commented out last one as some people were complaining about the slideshow and java not working.

Okay The only way I have been successful at integrating the two products without Photopost hanging is sending the header. What you can do is what I stated before removing everything between EVERY $header" blah blah "; CALL. The only drawback is the slideshow but I am testing putting that into the threads header call so it works. Remove the photopost headers and see if this makes the login better although on most systems I have seen login problems it is unrelated to this mod and usually login does not work with or without this mod.
It would be easy if we could just define the stylsheet but without sending the header all I get is a white screen of death.

I tried the normal way of defining the stylsheet without sending the header and it kills things.

$userob = new user;
$user = $userob -> authenticate("U_StyleSheet");
$stylesheet = $user['U_StyleSheet'];
if ((!$stylesheet) || ($stylesheet == "usedefault")) {
$stylesheet = $theme['stylesheet'];


Then something like this in the <head></head> of your page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.whatever.com/forum/stylesheets/$stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />
that might do it.

4.1.3 was released today with some small adjustments to how threads works with photopost, maybe that will help
The adjustment to the Threads side was mostly in how it dealt with Guests. If a user had been logged in, but the logout hadnt removed all cookies, then it was possible for PP to become confused about weather a user was logged in or not. This just helped in cases where that might be an issue.
Yeah this is just weird I have tried the above and it does not work and pull the stylesheet. For now the only way is send header from threads to pull things.

If you visit my site Allen you will see there are not two doctypes now. However this is with some modifying to Photopost I can not get it to pull just the stylsheet the easy way. There is one other program I have found out is just as tough I have been working with and the send_header is the only thing that works which means all modication has to be done on the program it is wrapping to validate.
Possible bug w/ this:

I just tested it out and a person who signs up for the forums that hasn't yet confirmed their email can login to the gallery/threads by clicking on the login button on the photopost header. How can we fix it so that that button takes the visitor to the forums login page instead of the photopost one? Right now clicking on "Register" in the photo gallery header takes the user to the forums registration page. I need users who click on the photo gallery login page to go to the forum login page because a user can sign-up and sign in to look at photos w/o ever confirming their email account. And if they make a comment, then it becomes another problem, and if they never confirm the email, then it's a bigger problem. This can all be fixed by making the login on the photopost header go to the forums login. I just don't know which template it is that I would have to fix.

BTW, users are able to do this because I let them choose their initial password. It would be less user friendly to not allow that, especially because I have Hivemail integrated. I don't think changing the password for the forums from the control panel will change the email password, which is really user-unfriendly.

That is not a bug with this mod. This mod simply sends header and stylesheet. It has nothing to do with login's

I would suggest you post in the photopost forums this as it is an issue with their threads login integration that simply pulls login password without checking the U_Approved field.

If you want to change the link for login to the threads page you can edit pp-inc.php and look for login.php path and change it to the threads path not photopost's
I tried a few times and could NOT get this working 100% on Photopost Pro 4.1.4.

Also this section:


$header = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt">

I think it would help to mention that there are two isntances of the doctype line. Be sure to change the correct one.

Yes I know that. Remove Photopost's doctype

If you want this hack to be 100 compliant you need to remove the entire header tags. However slideshows will not work. I have been wrestling with just calling the stylesheets but Photopost dies.
Got it going, by being sneaky.. LOL Thanks for your help via MSN
Share you methods
He was having problems with the baseline GLOBAL call which is used to disallow certain files from using main.inc.php so the admin section can work

If you problem is the mod works fine except admin section does not work since you can not use a global call which to me is weird. JC is the only person who reported this. You can make a duplicate pp-inc.php which is unmodified and name it pp-inc1.php and link that in the require statement in adm-inc.php instead of pp-inc.php at top of file

quick dirty workaround.

Ian what exactly was your problem>?
Not sure at the moment - doing a fresh install of 4.1.4
All servers are not created equal
Well I can recomend a few hosts if you need to improve yours
First post updated with new archive to change header function


The colspan's seem to be different between the 2, could be due to bookie's templates
hmm.... put the old templates back up but couldn't upload then - I put clean 4.1.4 files up to get back to semi-normal

4.1.5 should be out before long

Allen if you altered any of the Photopost templates beyond what I did yes you will need to beyond compare things.

Basically my templates add the tbopen and tbclose statements thats it. They are stock Photopost templates with a stock integrated Photopost. I viewed the site and it seems fine.
hmm.. it was some work bookie did, he probably added some extra tables here and there.

I haven't looked at the photopost code in a while, does it use something like tbopen and tbclose or all the tables hard-coded? Would be nice to add if not there, for sure.. hint hint Michael
This worked great Chuck. I just upgraded a large integrated site last night.

I couldn't get photopost to see the $tbopen & $tbclose templates.... so in pp-inc.php I had to do this:

$tbopen = "
put the html from my tbopen template
$tbclose = "
put the html from my tbclse template

and likewise for that feature.tmpl file. But then it worked great.
Not sure why, but I was eager to get it done.

I was working on measurection from 11pm last night til 9am this morning upgrading and rehacking everything. So I just needed to get it done.
Instead of hardcoding them like you did ?

The require ("path/to/tbopen.tmpl") DID NOT WORK?

I know you had that problem before as when the hacks called the normal tbopen tbclose variables that site would not call them

I wonder why the require statements I have in the hack dont work either guess thats one funky configuration.
Yeah, it was odd that I couldn't make it see them.
Even after I seet the paths to the templates.

I even tried the call to list $tbopen and $tbclose before sending the header in pp-inc-php and it didn't like it. <shrug>

Maybe my brain was fried with no sleep at that point. As I said, it had been a long night. But my table wrappers are nothing fancy - just regular tables (no graphics) so it was not important.
Yeah well I found out the later did not work anymore since it requires being placed after the send header statement and did not seem to wanna work anymore when the sendheader was further down with that little fix you made up.

So I just did the next best thing and required them directly. That is indeed weird my man.
OK I give up whats the

### In ubbthreads - put this in the headers-include include:

also in your docs you say this

Open pp-inc.php


require "config-inc.php";
require "languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

but in the new version 4.15 its actually

require "config-inc.php";
if ( !isset($PP_PATH) || empty($PP_PATH) ) $PP_PATH = ".";

require "$PP_PATH/languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

so would you still place

Insert Below this and set path to main-inc.php:

/// Require the library. Edit the path to the
// main.inc.php file if necessary.
require ("/PATH/TO/main.inc.php");

// If you use IIP's sidebar you may want to uncomment the line below
// to disable the sidebar on Photopost pages
// $config['iip_call'] = 1;


below it?
Any clearer information as to what these should be set to would be helpfull..
Yes! They have an extra line in the new photopost - but you are correct, put that below it.

For the headers-insert thing..... in your ubbthreads program, click "Admin" then click "Edit headers-insert" near the bottom under the includes that you can edit.
Omegatron -

I think I solved it.

Near the top of the pp-inc.php file, just after you require main.inc.php

Put this:

<br />// Setup the table wrappers<br />   $html = new html;<br />  list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();<br />
Good try but no dice. I had already tried placing the varialbe up down sideways with and without newhtml with newhtml

Yeah that is why I gave up and did it the easy way with a require statement.
thanx guys
Hmmm... must be a bit quirky based on the install. I was working on another site and what I posted above fixed the issue.
Yeah you seem to find the quirky installs dont you

Out of curiosity Josh windows or Linux?

I just did this table wrapper fix on both of my own server servers, and it worked. As I just had to install and integrate for one of my hosting clients.
So you saying instead of the 2 require statements you added this and it worked for you

// Setup the table wrappers
$html = new html;
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();

Did you actually make sure it worked? Remember 98% dont use tablewrappers. I use them and the site with your code looks right but tablewrappers do not show up.
Yes... in pp-inc-php just below the require staement for main.inc.php I added that.

I did leave the require statements in the feature.tmpl - I didn't try taking them out.

But without what I posted above - nothing anywhere had any <table> tags - it just was <td> and <tr> everywhere and a mighty messy looking screen.

I had tried it above the send_header function - but I think that was after the fact. I really needed to be near the very top in pp-inc.php.
No things look fine with the code you posted!!

Except remember I see little picky error's before you might

I use the true tablewrappers which require tbopen tbclose. I have that 5 pixel border around all tables. With your code my photopost looks normal just no 5 pixel wrappers. With the require statement things view normal with my borders.

Seems in your day you have found about what 3 sites that had trouble. Your way would be a good backup incase of things dont work normally.
Ah yes - those pesky table wrappers. It puzzles me that there is such an issue with those. Should be straight forward, but I've yet to ever get the wrappers to appear in the chat mod either.
Thats cause of the frames I beleive
Just wanted to report that yes before this

[]Near the top of the pp-inc.php file, just after you require main.inc.php

Put this:


// Setup the table wrappers
$html = new html;
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();


was added the table wrappers did not wrap.. and also the only page I notice that the tables still don't wrap is in the slideshow.tmpl because there is NO tbopen or tbclosed in there and I tried unsuccessfully to add them it just doesn't wrap it correctly...
[]scroungr said:
Just wanted to report that yes before this

[]Near the top of the pp-inc.php file, just after you require main.inc.php

Put this:


// Setup the table wrappers
$html = new html;
list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();


was added the table wrappers did not wrap.. and also the only page I notice that the tables still don't wrap is in the slideshow.tmpl because there is NO tbopen or tbclosed in there and I tried unsuccessfully to add them it just doesn't wrap it correctly... [/]

Yeah I know that thats why I wrote the mod the way I did

Af far as the slideshow template must have missed that one. Here is one with the tbopen tbclose and it works fine.

Attached File
97899-slideshow.tmpl  (56 downloads)
You're the man... I must have tried about a dozen incarnations...

I put in a feature request at pp.com to get something like this added to the base code, would improve consistency in layout, encourage more design innovation, and make something like this mod much easier
I don't think Michael would have a problem with that feature but alot of their base is VB based so no matter what we are a small majority here.
Would be easier for both threads and vb if something like this is done in the base code
Is anyone else running this with the sidebar pal?

I have notice on my site, if I click on the login from the photopost menu, the login box is at the foot of the page, beneath the sidebar - it is almost as if a </table> is missing.


As I am not using tablewrappers - I am just using the menubar template, as well as the main file alterations.

I realise I can delete this login - but just wondered if it was my sidebar doing it, but can't find anyone else using the sidebar with photopost.
I looked at the sourcecode.

I confirmed what your saying but am unable to see where the error is EXCEPT to confirm this in the html

There is a part of html which is invisible without the sidebar

<td class="menubar" valign="middle" width="50%">

<td class="menubar" width="50%" align="right" valign="middle">

When the sidebar is there what happens is that html is repeated over and over. From what I have seen it is the menubar. Have no idea why it would repeat just in this instance. Every file uses the menubar must be only when it is empty it causes this

You can comment out the require menubar statement in login-inc.php and that will solve your problem.
does this work on reviewpost?
Yes it does
cool thanks!
off i go to install!
Has this been tested with 4.5?
I run it fine with 4.5
ok, must be me and my tired eyes.. missing somehtin..

Going back to stock templates.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Well I tried again today, with no luck. furthermore the hack added to the pp-inc file caused some visitors to recieve a download window when viewing the page (Matty J & Jacob from IP). I didn't see it. I removed the hack and they said it was fine. I'm NOT knocking this hack, just reporting what happened. I have since loaded clean and opted to use the header/footer function of PP, and made a few fixes on the templates to make it blend with my current look better.

No idea what went wrong, this was tried using the latest build from PP as of yesterday.

No one seems to have as much trouble as you with this thing

I am using this hack on the latest Photopost released as of this afternoon with no problems.
I read the instructions, followed them, and no luck. Prolly a server thing. Dunno.. I seem to find the troublesome isntlals that break it .. don't I ..LOL
Well whenever you want me to check an install and see if I can get it going all ya gotta go is ask for help

Josh and I found over time maybe 2-3 servers that had trouble reading the tbopen-tbclose variables in the templates.

However never has anyother problems been reported if instructions are followed.

Now the bare minimum on this hack would be to do the hacking in pp-inc.php and adm-inc.php and add the header-insert into the threads header-insert. Then make the class calls in the stylesheets.

We found one problem with the header call which you found. But that did not stop the hack from working it made the admin section choke if you remember. That was because of the new frames that came out in 4.1
Today I setup the 4.5.1 of PhotoPost with your latest design integration, downloaded from the top of this thread. I encounter several diefferences how to modify the files. It seems that lot of the code was changed.
I mange to setup it up but if I upload your templates the whole layout is destroyed.
If I use the original templates nearly everything looks fine exept the admin pages witch are black/white but this dosn't matter.
Then you did not complete the mod as instructed.

The admin section for one in the instructions says to place a link to your default stylesheet in adm-inc.php

As far as the templates. There are two versions 4.1 and 4.5

I relooked at the directions and they are fine. There was one line that was not different in 4.5 The place to place main-inc.php call but not so different no one could figure it out or for that matter it would matter.

require "config-inc.php";
if ( !isset($PP_PATH) || empty($PP_PATH) ) $PP_PATH = ".";
if ( !isset($pplang) || empty($pplang) ) $pplang = "english";
require "$PP_PATH/languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

If you say your layout is destroyed using the templates then I would say you have not set the paths to your tbopen tbclose variables example below
Also directions also tell you to set them in feature.tmpl also

/// Require the library. Edit the path to the
// main.inc.php file if necessary.
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/main.inc.php");
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/templates/default/tbopen-default.tmpl");
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/templates/default/tbclose-default.tmpl");

Refollow the directions as nothing has changed except that one line I pointed out and if you do you will have something like this when done





Those are a few off the top of my head.
[]Omegatron said:
Then you did not complete the mod as instructed.[/]

your now, you are right I miss one point to edit one path.

[]If you say your layout is destroyed using the templates then I would say you have not set the paths to your tbopen tbclose variables example below
Also directions also tell you to set them in feature.tmpl also[/]

Yes, thats not in the instructions.txt so I dont take a look at this file. After fixing this, the lower part of the layout looks good. but there asre still some 'errors'. Can you take a look to www.dragonclan-forum-de/photopost/index.php to verify my mistake, please ?

/// Require the library. Edit the path to the
// main.inc.php file if necessary.
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/main.inc.php");
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/templates/default/tbopen-default.tmpl");
require ("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ubbthreads/templates/default/tbclose-default.tmpl");

What are the tb***-default.tmpl ? I dont have such files.
I was using that as an example my friend.

Those are my paths and default templates I am calling which have tablewrappers

You need to edit the path as it states to your tbopen and tbclosed templates.

I just double checked my directions again my friend. You must have missed this as you say it was not in the instructions look again

[:"red"]this was taken from the directions[/]


In photopost templates provided edit path to tbopen-tbclose variables in feature.tmpl only
Also in your tbopen threads template you may need to replace the theme_width statement in the first table
with your width.

I would look at your site but seems I can not connect to it. I did notice your wrong path of -de instead of .de but either does not work.
Okay I visited your site. It looks like you added the stylesheet calls GOOD

It looks to me like you have not set your paths to the tablewrappers correctly. You can PM me if you need help.
My PhotoPost 4.5.1 looks nothing like the one here. After this integrtion.
What do you think I did wrong? I could have sword I did every single step this time
Same error as his you have not set the tablewrappers statement in pp-inc.php

There are three paths to fill out in pp-inc.php as well as in the feature template as well.

Pretty straight forward
Oh. I didn't see that in the instructions. I thought the table wrappers part was only in the feature.tmpl file, which I did edit.
Ok, I know how to fill out a path. But I don't know where they are in the pp-inc.php file. Can you tell me what the line numbers are for the three instances where I have to set the path to the table wrappers in the pp-inc.php file? I'll still try to find them myself, but if you know off-hand, that will help
I've fixed it. Thanks for your answers! There is however a problem in the instructions:
[] Open pp-inc.php


require "config-inc.php";
require "languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

Insert Below this and set path to main-inc.php:

/// Require the library. Edit the path to the
// main.inc.php file if necessary.
require ("/PATH/TO/main.inc.php");

// If you use IIP's sidebar you may want to uncomment the line below
// to disable the sidebar on Photopost pages
// $config['iip_call'] = 1;

It should also have:
require ("/PATH/TO/templates/default/tbopen.tmpl");
require ("/PATH/TO/templates/default/tbclose.tmpl");

Cool thanks got that updated.
New instructions and templates, and Zlib off in PP Pro was fixed my probs.
Ah No JC yeah doing zlib in both threads and photopost is a no no LOL

I think Josh and I found that out along time ago
Yes..... I'll never forget that lesson learned.

I donn't think Allen will either. But hey, we were blazing the trail for integrations, right? LOL

JC called me and I helped him get it sorted. I knew the problem the first time I saw that "jibberish" page.
The lovely gibberish page.

Yes oh so well on my first integration every. Way Back in like the first or second PHP version.
Yup - me too - mind you anyone reading the whole thread wouldn't have the problem, as I mentioned it within the first dozen posts
After reading the Instructions again and again I can find all things to do But I have a final question:
Also in your tbopen threads template you may need to replace the theme_width statement in the first table
with your width.

What exactly mean this ? My tbopen.tmpl is default and look like this:
<br /><? //UBBTREMARK<br />$tbopen = <<<UBBTPRINT<br /><br /><table width="{$theme['tablewidth']}" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="tablesurround"><br /><tr><br /><td><br /><table cellpadding="{$theme['cellpadding']}" cellspacing="{$theme['cellspacing']}" width="100%" class="tableborders"><br /><br />UBBTPRINT;<br />/* UBBTREMARK */ ?> <br />

It seems that the instructions need some more hints for dummy's like me And don't forget the hint about zlib
[]Ian_W said:
Yup - me too - mind you anyone reading the whole thread wouldn't have the problem, as I mentioned it within the first dozen posts [/]

What? Read the thread before asking? What are you saying. :lol:
Click on "Edit theme file" under Admin and see what you have for your table width - if you have "95%" then change this:


To this:



Hope that helps.
[]JoshPet said:
Hope that helps. [/]

aaahhhh ! It works Thanks.
Maybe I found a little bug:

Go to UBB Threads admin section.
use the Photopost link in the menubar.
Photopost will load in the top frame of the admin display and will not refresh the whole display.
well then Zarzal that would be threads frame thing
I have a little enhancement request

I notice that you can setup the language of photopost in its config setup. But this is a generic setup for all users. Will it be possible to display photopost in this language what the user have choosen in UBB so the gallery shows the selected useralnguage and not the default one what is setup in photopost ? Languagestrings seems to be avaible in photopost language directory.
This hack has been updated for Photopost 4.6


The Photopost Language structure and Threads are completely different. There are not different language selections for both products. There is not an easy way to select the language to change with a user's language. Now I take it you know how to change Photopost's langauage type?
Question is .. what was changed from 4.5 to 4.6
As far as Photopost many things. You can see the many changes on their site.

Basically if you are updating Photopost then you update it and reapply this mod by doing the following to upgrade

1. reapply the hack part to pp-inc.php and adm-inc.php

2. Upload the modified 4.6 templates

As you upgrade each version of Photopost you need to reapply at lease this portion of the mod as pp-inc.php changes with each version and the templates as they change also.
/Edit: some Notes

first take care if you get the proper update of photopost. I get an old archive first with an old upgrade.php. After getting a new archiv my databaseproblems are gone.

second: the is a third line to modify in feature.tmpl that point to main.inc.php from ubbthreads. Serverpath is setup properly too.

third: in your hacking instruction for pp-inc.php there are some differences due the changed scripts in 4.6.
You wrote:

$menu = "<font class="onbody">";
$menu2 = "<font class="onbody">";

Replace with:
$menu = "<font class="menubar">";
$menu2 = "<font class="menubar">";

I only found:
$menu = "<font class="small">";
$menu2 = "";

I replaced this and it seems to work.

/Edit 2: how do I bring it to work with user selected languages ? I get only english. Should this be fixed in 4.6 ?
Zarzal if you want Photopost to work in German than modify your Photopost config file and specify langauage of german. I am saying Photopost is not configured to change on the fly but you can indeed set the language in the config file.
Omegatron, got this installed and it looks wonderful!
Is this compatible with 4.6?
Beleive I answered that a few posts above
Plus it's got 6.4 in the subject line.
[]JoshPet said:
Plus it's got 6.4 in the subject line. [/]
That doesn't answer whether or not its compatible with 4.6 though.
Yes but about 6 posts up it says so in post #102307

plus the first post with attachment has been updated and reflects that it has the 4.6 updated templates as well
Oh, photopost 4.6. My bad.
Ah God dont start doing the DLWEB icon thingy
I'm getting dyslexic and saw 4.6 as ubbthreads 6.4. I need a vacation.
thats ok I saw it as Ubbthreads 4.6 and I was like WTF is working with such an in adequate board!
I just believe everything Josh types - life is easier like that
ok Ian_W in case ya missed it Josh typed that you should give me 1 million dollars..
My webhost had to move my site to another server a few days ago....however, he made a costly mistake and so have I.

He accidentally had deleted all my files with the exception of my databases. My mistake was that I did not have an up to date backup of the entire site.

I've since uploaded all the files that I had locally and I've been fixing my PhotoPost Integration and I have some comments and questions for ya Chuck on this integration.

I run UBB.Threads v6.4 and I have PhotoPost v4.6 installed.

While going back through the instructions...

Open adm-inc.php


$stylesheet = "<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/default.css" type="text/css" />";

This code is not found and maybe this is due to PhotoPost v4.6 having changed this code. At any rate, I did find this code and made the proper changes:

$stylesheet = "<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/{$Globals['theme']}.css" type="text/css" />";

The next part:

Open pp-inc.php


require "config-inc.php";

if ( !isset($PP_PATH) || empty($PP_PATH) ) $PP_PATH = ".";

if ( !isset($pplang) || empty($pplang) ) $pplang = "english";

require "$PP_PATH/languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

Now, with this file I'm unsure if you want us to edit the provided pp-inc.php in your attachment or if you want us to edit the provided pp-inc.php file that is provided with PhotoPost...?

This too is different:

Find and delete this line:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/default.css" type="text/css" />

Again, not sure if we are to edit the provided file in your attachment or the provided file from PhotoPost. At any rate, looking at the provided file from PhotoPost I cannot find this code, but I did find this and deleted it:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/{$Globals['theme']}.css" type="text/css" />

I also do not know if you want me to add the provided files in your attachment (login-inc.php, slideshow.php) to the PhotoPost directory...?

And as I've mentioned....I've had to reload files and reinstall some... After uploading the latest files I had of my PhotoPost and playing with the hack, I've had to work through many problems but I've seemed to have gotten most of it all worked out now. My latest challenge is after a user uploads a file.

I'll walk through the steps.

1. User clicks on Upload Images. (no probs)
2. User fills in proper data to upload and clicks on Upload/Submit. (Here's where the problem lies)

I cannot figure out why it passes the link to my gallery and then immediately following the gallery url it adds the url that it should be passing:


If I edit the url taking out what's in red, the software will process the file(s) as it's suppose to.


Why is it passing this url in the format it is? This is the last error I have to work with and it's kicking me in the tail...

Well your last error is no doubt a configuration error on your part installing Photopost 4.6

Now yes the <link statements 4.6 added the global theme call.

I dont know why you keep saying whether I want you to edit the included file or your own. I do not include the files to edit. The hack includes a set of directions and the template files.

This is what is in the instructons

Open pp-inc.php


require "config-inc.php";

if ( !isset($PP_PATH) || empty($PP_PATH) ) $PP_PATH = ".";

if ( !isset($pplang) || empty($pplang) ) $pplang = "english";

require "$PP_PATH/languages/$pplang/pp-inc.php";

Insert Below this and set path to main-inc.php:

/// Require the library. Edit the path to the
// main.inc.php file if necessary.
require ("/PATH/TO/main.inc.php");
require ("/PATH/TO/templates/default/tbopen.tmpl");
require ("/PATH/TO/templates/default/tbclose.tmpl");

// If you use IIP's sidebar you may want to uncomment the line below
// to disable the sidebar on Photopost pages
// $config['iip_call'] = 1;
[]Omegatron said:I dont know why you keep saying whether I want you to edit the included file or your own. I do not include the files to edit. The hack includes a set of directions and the template files.

Chuck, if you open your attachment for the hack you'll find there are three .php files, which are: login-inc.php, pp-inc.php, and slideshow.php.
Chuck, my problem I was having with my PhotoPost has been finally narrowed down to my uploadphoto.php file. Got her fixed up.
I opened the hack which is attached here and there is one file the installation instructions and three directories with templates each marked with there version.

I see you mean the php files in the template directory LOL those are there by mistake. No you modify your files. The only files you upload that I provide are the templates thats it.
Thanks for this wonderful modification. After many dumb mistakes on my part, I have it installed. My problem is that I cannot get the login integrated. My forums are at http://www.sbhonline.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=0 and my photo gallery is at http://www.sbhonline.com/photopost46%20-%20folder/

(You can use login name Tester and password testing if this helps)

A user shows up as logged in for threads but doesn't show up logged in for Photopost - any thoughts?? Many thanks.

Use Phpmyadmin and go into your Photopost settings table and make sure setting 41 says threads for the setting. I would suspect you have not selected the proper setting for the board you use.
Sad but true - I went into PHPMYADmin and tried to find seting 44 but have no idea what you are referring to - can you provide any more guidance?


In Phpmyadmin in your photopost database check your settings table and as I said 41 not 44 make sure it is set to threads. It will be the setting that says user database.
...or in your photopost edit options (in the photopost admin panel) you can type the following:

Where it asks you: User Registration System
Enter the following: threads

This, coming from a complete newbie. Correct me if I'm wrong, Chuck.

LOL Your not wrong but missing something important.

Yes the user can change the user database setting in the Photopost admin section under options. CORRECT

However if you have it set wrong and can not login how are you expect to be able to login and change it to the right one.

Thus using PhpMyAdmin and correcting the setting is the normal way to do it. I can not tell you how many times people installing Photopost forget to set the correct user system.

There is a third way to do this as well. You can always upload the install.php file and rerun install on a new install and make sure you select the proper user registration on that last install step from the drop down box.
I have it set correctly and can log in to Photopost. The problem is that if I am logged into the forum and link over to Photopost I am not logged into Photopost (the way you are if you click on the link to Photo post above). The top menu bar shows you logged into the forum but the lower menu bar does not show you logged in? Make any sense? Any solution?
Check your settings. Make sure cookies are set site wide in both Threads and Photopost / Make sure if you use a cookie prefix it is set right. Make sure you cookie domain in Photopost is set right. I know I have mine empty on this setting since it creates login issues.
UBB.Threads v6.4
PhotoPost v4.6

I have made a few of my photo albums marked being 'Private Album', but for some reason...the pictures that I've stored in these Photo Albums are showing up for all users of the board.

Any thoughts on this one?
For Photopost support please post over there. Also more information on the exact problem would help. I have posted over in the photopost thread you started.
Dayum, I can run but I can't hide from you!

You're like the Secret Agent Man....

Yea, I figured that I would post on both locations as I wasn't sure if this was a hack issue or if it is going to be a PhotoPost wide issue.

Never-the-less, I'll continue this challenge on PhotoPost's site.
This hack changes nothing in Photopost except pulls the header and stylesheet from threads.
Mmmmmm....been thinking on this one. Okay, when a user visits my website, www.f-bodyhideout.com , they view the site that I put together using html. I have a "Featured F-Body" on the upper right hand corner that I have to manually put up there each time I want another car in there.

** Remember, I'm a dork with this php and html schtuff **

Is there anyway to bring in some of the php code to grab a picture randomly from PhotoPost's database and input it on my html site?

That would be great if this can happen because I'm sure getting tired of manually changing the "Featured F-Body" each time...

Thanks guys...
Why don't you work with the Photopostpal 1.3 pal box mod in forum design integration. include that in a html file.
### In ubbthreads - put this in the headers-include include:
### [/]

I put that from my admin panel into header-insert ?

What does this part do ?

it allow the photopost headers to load javascript for slideshows and yes you put that into your threads header insert.
Is it normal that my photopost admin page lost it's stylesheet ?
Sounds to me like you missed doing a step. Mainly editing the adm-inc.php file
Anyone know why the photopost javascript popup help won't open when clicked on? I don't recieve errors or anything, it just won't open. My browser is set for js, like the My Photos hack pops up no problem.
In your Threads header insert where it has the popup script change that $Global['Main call and replace it with your actual url to the help directory.
PP4.6.6 is released and after a compare I find a lot differences. Will we need a new integration ? If I find time tonight I will try it on my own
I have integrated this into my site with only a few minor differences. I did not use the templates provided but rather I used the ones from photopost and added the changes (which are basicly just tbopen and tbclose strings instead of the ppopen and ppclose strings) The difference that I did is that I replaced the stylesheets directory in Photopost with a symbolic link to the stylesheets directory in the forums. Also I removed the menubar include from the photopost files and added the menu items to my registered user nav bar from threads. I am very pleased wit the results of the integration so far.

There is not need to add a stylesheet link as this mod makes it change when a user changes their stylesheet. Why would you get rid of the Photopost menubar? That is all the links to use Photopost.

I do not follow what your doing.

ZarzaL I have 4.6.6 on my site and the integration is fine. We only touch 2 files in Photopost and the parts we touch have not changed.

Now as far as the templates the only changing one with the minor release notice posted on Photopost is bulkupload.tmpl although I saw no changes myself,

As always and noted in the mod if you do not use tablewrappers you do not even need to upload the templates I provide except the menubar.
I recreated the Links in the Nav bar,
I had a similar error as someone earlier had posted for the stylesheets to be used with the code in adm-inc, I opted to just create a symbolic link to the stylesheets folder in threads and leave the Photpost code on those pages unchanged. The reason I removed the menu bar is that it looked inconsistent to me with threads so I added the code needed to the threads Nav Bar (registered users only) I also modded my admin menu in threads with a link to the Photopost admin function so I would keep all the abilities available. the only reason I did this was that I felt it looked better for the integration on my site. If you would like PM me and I will make you an account so you can see what it looks like?
Well if this is your Photopost install you might want to stop hacking ;( as your broke it

what is Broke? I have it set up so that users that are not logged in can not see it.
Exactly you broke it.

Photopost by default does not show unregistered people photo's if you select that.

I mean what is the point of only showing a header and footer on a page and nothing else? To anyone looking at your forum it will look like an error and coding mistake.

Also take into account if you want to have your forum grow you are going about things the wrong way. Having people see the thumbsnails but not see the image is a tease and way to get people to register.

Basically what I am saying is there is a fine line in coding things. If you do not want to show the index then you might want to use an if else statement and make up another template explaining you have to register to see any part of the gallery otherwise it just looks like faulty coding.
Only registered users would see that the Photpost gallery is even there. This is by design (for me) rather than as an obstruction to growth. We generally are not inclined towards growth but rather we cater to our own folks. The reason we have forums to begin with is out of necessity and because none of us Liked Advertisements. This has worked well for us. I aggree with your point tho that nothing but a header and footer looks Broke but generally a user that is not logged in would never see it to begin with. I should put up an explanation within the template tho as you have suggested.
[]Only registered users would see that the Photpost gallery is even there.[/]

Yeah that is not the case as I see a header footer and stats box thats why I suggested doing the template. Having noone see if they where not registered from a coding aspect would be adding a forward statement that forwarded them say back to the forums if they were not logged in.
an even better Idea
if (!$User) {

forward( "url/to/forum/");

Thanks Chuck!
ok I just had it take them directly to the login screen
I finish the update to 4.6.6 without any problems. I review the templates with beyond compare and found some minor differences. I change it for me.
4.6.7 is out
already installed After tuning some server parameters my PP runs well again. Thanks to Omegatron.
If you install this release take a closer look to the bulkupload.tmpl
Yep actually the change was in 4.6.6
Lil tip, for those wondering, be sure to upgrade your copy of pp-inc.php, there are changes you'll need. So re-add Omegatrons edits as per his mod.
This is an excellent mod.

One new tip - if you have trouble with the table wrappers in the feature.tmpl

Before the require lines to include the templates.... rather than having to make a second set of wrapper templates, put these variables AFTER the main.inc.php require statement, but BEFORE the table wrapper require statements.

$theme['tablewidth'] = "96%";
$theme['cellpadding'] = "3";
$theme['cellspacing'] = "1";

And set thier values accordingly.
Also - in the current attachment at the beginning of this thread.

The search.tmpl needs to have all the table wrappers replaced. Still has ppopen etc...
If your server is like mine and gets an average of 200 to 400 members online all the time, do NOT add the stats version of this module... it will kill your server

Here is the OFFENDING CODE that brought my server to it's knees, soon crashing it shortly after....

    $sth = $dbh->do_query(" <br />    SELECT COUNT(B_Topic), SUM(B_Counter) <br />    FROM {$config['tbprefix']}Posts <br />    GROUP BY B_Topic <br />    ORDER BY B_Topic <br />    "); <br />    list($num_replies, $num_threads, $num_thread_views) = array(0, 0, 0); <br />    $num_rows = $dbh->total_rows($sth); <br />    if ($num_rows >= 1) { <br />    list($num_replies) = $dbh->mysql_fetch_row($sth); <br />    if ($num_rows >= 2) { <br />    list($num_threads, $num_thread_views) = $dbh->mysql_fetch_row($sth); <br />    } <br />    } <br />    $dbh->finish_sth($sth); <br />    $num_posts = $num_threads + $num_replies; <br />

Im running a P4-2.0Ghz - Ensim Redhat Linux setup with 1.5gb memory and getting 60,000 to 90,000 hits/day
The beauty of this mod if you do not need to use the provided templates if you do not wish to. They are provided for people like myself who run tablewrappers.

I will be including 4.6.7 templates soon etc
V4.7 is out and I ask me if I should try an update or not. Templates seems easy, replace all $ppopen to $tbopen, same to $ppclose and $tbclose. But there are a lot of differences too and I dont know if your modification work or not.

Do you work on a new version of this integration and we all should wait or just try it on my own ?
after comparing 4.67 to 4.7 I would have to say that is an understatement. I may try this later to see what happens.
I will be releasing a 4.7 version most likely later today. I already have it running on my site. Just gotta work out some kinks.
good will save me some work
Am I doing something wrong?? I have installed everything as described.. but when I view the photopost site from within my ubbthreads website using the integration mod, the ubbthreads logon says "Welcome Sadgit." but below that, the photopost part of the screen, says I am not logged on.

I am using ubbthreads database for the photopost user account... am I being thick here??? and have I missed something obvious?
Should it log me onto both, with out having to log onto each of them??
yes you should log into threads and that be validated in photopost. Check your installation again. So anyways what board version? what photopost version? this is a pretty easy mod to add now.
ubbthread 6.4 and PP 4.6
I am just playing at the mo, to get this integration working..

This problem has had me baffled for a few hours now..
What part of the instalation should I be checking?

Thanks for the reply
Well first off bring up photopost/index.php and make sure you can log in. Make sure it is pulling from the threads database for usernames. Then I would grab the new 4.7f cause it's easiet to integrate and follow the directions for the 4.7f photopost integration if you need to stick with 4.6 then make sure you actually overwriting ALL templates from this integration because sometimes even though you think you overwriteen it doesn't..
First off have you ever been able to login betwen the two products. This mod has nothing to do with logins.

I suggest you post for support over at Photopost. Your more than likely do not have your cookies matched up correctly. You need to verify your cookie settings are site wide and the cookie domains match plus if you are using any custom cookie prefix
Thanks for the replies.
Yes I can log into both products.. You could be right when you say it is a cookies problem, just trying to figure out where and why now
You need to post on the photopost support site as you problem has nothing to do with this hack.

I already told you how to fix it.

Cookies need to be set sight wide /

You need the same domain set in both .domain.com

and if you use a cookie prefix you must tell photopost that
if a little unsure where to add this, can you please clarify

### In ubbthreads - put this in the headers-include include: SET GALLERY PATH

<!-- no cache headers for photopost -->
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 21 Nov 2000 05:00:00 GMT" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate" />
<!-- end no cache headers -->
<!-- Popup help Javascript for Photopost -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var PopUpHelpX = (screen.width/2)-150;
var PopUpHelpY = (screen.height/2)-200;
var pos = "left="+PopUpHelpX+",top="+PopUpHelpY;
function PopUpHelp(url){
PopUpHelpWindow = window.open("URL/TO/GALLERY"+url,"Smilies","scrollbars=yes,width=300,height=400,"+pos);
<!-- End of Popup help -->

yes put it in the header.php file or header-include.php file. they are in the ubbthreads includes directory...
I need some help with my Photo Post and UBB Threads. Probaly simple but .....

If you go to my main PhotoPost page you don't get anything in the top header to allow you to login. There is a button that says home and Register but nothing that says you are logged in or not and offers a link to login. How do I put that there?

Here is my Photopost page: http://gallery.off-road.com/photobb/index.php
© UBB.Developers