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Features · Wiki EntriesAttachment Manager · Summary The attachment manager in v7.6.0 allows one to attach images while staying on the New Topic/Fully Reply screens by way of a Lightbox window which loads the attachment manager page, versus a popup which some browsers can block. There have also…
Attachments · Summary Attachments allow you to upload a file to a post, so long as you have been given permissions to do so and the file type has been allowed. Attachments will appear in a post as an attachment with a link to the file. Image files can be set to di…
Custom Islands · What Is Covered Summary Creating a Custom Island Editing a Custom Island Default Code Examples ] Example 1: Using PHP and HTML ] Example 2: Site Links Navigation Menu ] Example 3: Image with Embedded Link ] Example 4: Upcoming Events (MySQL Query) ] …
CustomTag Editor · What Is Covered Summary How to Use Control Panel Settings ] Current Code Summary The CustomTag editor allows you to create a set of custom UBBCode to extend the functionality of your forum. In the stock package the supplied coding runs the Video Emb…
Embedding Attached Images · An example of an embedded image is the image which is currently in the middle of this post. All attached images which are not embedded within a post, will continue to display below the post as they always have been, as either inlined or grouped. How …
Gallery · Summary The gallery feature allows you to designate a forum or forums as a image gallery forum. A Gallery forum will allow images uploaded as a post and the file size and number of images per post are designated by the Administrator. Replies are allo…
Groups · Summary Groups are a very powerful method to distribute unique user permissions to individuals. When used in conjunction with the permissions feature in UBB you can just about do anything you want. The only issue with this is the more complicated you…
Polls · Summary Polls are somewhat a tough question to answer. First is when creating a poll you do not see a progress or preview. Such as when creating a poll if you are allowed from the group you are in.
Portal · Summary The Portal page function is a unique tool that allows you to build an introductory page to your message board using snippets of text and information from posts, users, etc. When enabled, the Portal is the main page of your message board, thou…
Portal Boxes · Summary Portal boxes are called Islands in the control panel. Once you have created a island you can use it to convey information in various ways. Currently we have three types available. Post Islands - Items that are posted as a new topic or as a r…
Posting · Summary This page outlines the features in both the Quick Reply and Full Reply (and New Post) functions of the UBB.threads forum. You may also be interested in UBBCode. Quick Reply Box The Quick Reply feature can be activated in the Control Panel (S…
Search · Summary The search feature of UBB.threads allows your users to search your forums content for various terms. There are two Control Panel options for the Search Engine, MySQL Full-Text search or using an internal UBB.threads search. By default, the My…
Shareaholic · What Is Covered Summary Location Expanding Functionality Fields Summary The Shareaholic feature in Version 7.5.8 started it's life as a modification at UBBDev on November 23rd, 2013 and was added to the stock code on December 6th, 2013. It was creat…
Stop Forum Spam · What Is Covered Summary Location API Key Limitations Fields Protection Levels ] Level 1 ] Level 2 ] Level 3 ] Level 4 Troubleshooting ] Requesting Removal ] Too Many Queries Summary The Stop Forum Spam feature originated as a modification for the 7.…
Subscriptions · Summary Payments Payments Tab Currency What currency should amounts be listed as? PayPal Allow payment via PayPal? Your PayPal Email Address Check/Money Order Allow payment by Payment mailing address Groups Subscription Groups Tab Group Name Subscri…
UBBCode · Summary This page is to document UBBCode in UBB.threads. Smilies Smilies, unlike the other UBBCode tags, just converts smilies to an image; these are: Text Formatting b[ text = Makes the given text bold. i[ text /i[ = Makes the given text italic. u…
User List · Summary The User List feature of UBB.threads displays the listing of all users who are registered on the forum and their online status. The listing, by default, lists all users based on their post count. You can however change the display order by se…
What UBBCode is available? · Text Formatting b] text /b] = Makes the given text bold. i] text /i] = Makes the given text italic. u] text /u] = Underlines the given text. s] text /s] = Will post your text with a line through it (strike through). color:red] text /color] = Makes th…
Who's Online · Summary The who's online feature displays each user (or Search Engine Spider) that's online. This page will attempt to reload every 60 seconds. Registered Users The users listing displays the following user information: Display Name Status Title Las…
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